
For a long time, Japanese manga has introduced us to many impressive heroes. Whenever a new chapter is released, readers in Japan eagerly follow the journeys of their favorite characters and share those emotions with friends.

We aim to extend the adventures of these heroes to readers worldwide. That’s why KodomoManga was born.

At KodomoManga, you can enjoy many exciting manga titles:

  • Around the world
  • In various languages
  • Simultaneously with Japan

We are committed to ensuring you won’t have to wait. Readers everywhere can experience the adventures of beloved characters together and share their excitement the moment the stories are released.

KodomoManga is an application managed by a team of experts in Japan, where many famous authors and manga have originated. Readers participating in KodomoManga not only get to enjoy official manga but also become a great source of motivation for authors to continue creating and developing new stories.

Let’s explore the new journeys of heroes on KodomoManga together!

If you need any further adjustments or additional information, feel free to let me know!