El Halcon is a prequel series to Nanatsu no Umi Nanatsu no Sora. Set from 1581 to 1586 with flashbacks further into the past, this is the story of Tyrian Persimmon. Born to a Spanish mother with an English husband in this era of conflict between the two contries, Tyrian favors Spain. His father suspects that Tyrian is not his son because he doesn't look like the man at all, and regularly beats him. His mother's lover is discovered to be a Spanish spy and flees the country. Tyrian is determined to join the navy and eventually rejoin Geraldo. At the age of 19 he begins to make his ruthless way up the ranks of the English navy. (Translated Treasures)
Star Fox is the name of a 132-page series of comic pages that ran in Nintendo Power in eleven 12-page installments from February 1993 until December 1993. It is an adaptation of Star Fox for Super Nintendo, with an early expanded plot that is noticeably different from subsequent installments.
From iskultrip Scans: Kokaku is a flashy, casual dressing samurai. He's always laying around, but he has no compassion for the wicked! Sneaking into gambling dens and pavilions and beating up the baddies...On top of that, how far would he go for his beloved chile peppers!? The first part of this fire breathing action packed hero's tale!!
Binta Yugawara is a "Bodz" or Bomber Kid, in the city of Atamu, who dreams of defeating his hero, Smash Kintaro. While in the city, he battles using a pog like game system, against several other Bodz, including Banji Chihara, BJ, and a man by the code name, "X." Hiroyuki Takei (of Shaman King fame), is the supervisor for this series. All artwork is officially drawn by Kato Gaito, who later helped assist Takei with "Jyuki Ningen Jumbor." The series was canceled after 3 chapters and never met the intended 197 pages announced in the first chapter. Neither Shueisha nor Takei have ever officially mentioned this series since it was canceled.
Tsuburaya Productions official manga adaptation of "Ultraman Blazar"
Han Moo-Yul was a popular action actor.Lee Gunwoo, a manager who was like his brother who grew up at the same nursery school with him, became a police officer.A few years later, he also heard that Lee Seol-Ah a younger sister-like actress who grew up together at the nursery school, commited suicide, and when he conducted the investigation, he finds that Lee Sangjoo, the representative of Lee Gunwoo and Lee Seol-Ah agency is related.And he find the evidence that Lee Gunwoo left behind mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.
On the eve of the Pacific War.Fukuhara Yuusaku, a Kobe-based trader, goes to Manchuria in search of supplies and discovers a startling national secret.Yuusaku, out of a sense of justice, decides to disclose it to the world, but his wife, Satoko...A romance/suspense hidden in the fires of war.Winner of the Silver Lion at the 77th Venice International Film Festival.First manga adaptation of Kurosawa Kiyoshi's film.
A built-in system? No, it's a Conceptual G**! A real-world mystery? No, it's a detective from another world! Superhuman ability battles? No, it's a series of bizarre serial murder cases! There are no weak gods in the realm of conceptual gods? Then what on earth is the protagonist's useless talent? Join "Na Sui" and his best buddy as they find the answer!
Exorcist Cheon Ji Yul's job revolves around protecting the natural order of the universe.So how does he end up becoming the bodyguard for a naive middle school girl?!Possessing strange magic and special powers that monsters desire, the unwilling Cheon Ji Yul must now protect the girl from danger.What does fate have in store for them?+
When Chitose joined the Imperial Forces, she never dreamed that she'd end up working with her idols, the Angel Troupe. Now that Chitose is on the team, the Angels need her to join them for a very special mission: a Galaxy Angel vacation! As Milfeulle and the gang get acquainted with their new teammate, the Elle Ciel is fitted with a new weapon from the White Moon. What is this strange piece of Lost Technology? Can Takuto figure out how to use it? With Milfie's luck, they'd better figure it out soon!
Pokémon Chamo-Chamo ☆ Pretty ♪ is set in the same universe as Magical Pokémon Journey, and features Pikachu and Clefairy as returning main characters. However, it is set in Hoenn and most of the main characters are new, mainly a Torchic, Poochyena, and a human character named Haruka.Source: http://zesty-pokemanga.tumblr.com/post/45758379723/i-had-to-search-hard-for-these-ones-too-this-is