High school girl, Tomori, is dating an unstable boy named Inukai who is relentlessly violent toward Misato, a new transfer student. Refusing to listen to his friends or Tomori\'s pleas to stop, Inukai\'s obsession steadily escalates. Is this from hatred, or for some other reason? Meeting, drifting apart, and inevitably drawn to each other again... Sparks fly when they cross.
An exhibition catalog that details the background of the \"Inoue Takehiko: The LAST Manga Exhibition,\" held in the early summer of 2008 at the Ueno Royal Museum, through photos and text. It reveals why the exhibition was held at this time, and unveils Takehiko Inoue’s struggles and resolve. The first of two exhibition catalogues (Crescent Moon and Full Moon).
Pairing : Katsuki Yuuri x Victor Nikiforov
Pairing: Victor Nikiforov x Katsuki Yuuri
Nanahei spends most nights gaming away with his best bud Rei’ichi on the hit virtual MMORPG “Stealer” under the team alias of “Glider,” hoping to climb the ranks and earn their bid to be challenged by the “Noob-killer,” Lily Gaga. So far, all he’s got to show for his hard work is a perpetual propensity for sleep-deprivation and a solid position at the bottom of the social ladder. Little does he know his hard work’s about to pay off as he makes the strangest acquaintance ever… (Source: Turtle Paradise)
When Chris has his injury and Miyuki is made the starting catcher, they must renegotiate the relationship between them.
As a manager, having a \"favorite\" is improper. And yet, Honda can\'t seem to shake off the feelings she has caught for Yazaki....? *(Published in the Oct 2023 issue of LaLaDX)*