A collection of 9 wonderfully weird and violent short stories from the mind of Kaneko Atsushi. Includes \"A Convenient Fiction,\" \"The Paranormal Phenomena Research Society,\" \"BANG! x3,\" \"Eat Meat!,\" \"Hit and Run,\" \"The Thief and the Pencil,\" \"Full of Holes\" and others.
Kageyama wakes up from an erotic dream about Hinata, then learns that in his passion for volleyball, he has pushed Hinata too hard.
A collection of one-shots by Lun Lun Yamamoto, all done for *Flowers*, filled with bittersweetness and charm. - **Between Us** (ないしょの話, Naisho no Hanashi) - **Miss Schwartz is in Despair** (ミス・シュワルツは絶望している, Miss Schwartz wa Zetsubou Shiteiru): An older woman who isolates herself from others gets a new perspective on things when she meets the town alien. - **Future Prescription** (未来処方箋, Mirai Shohousen) - **My Rose-Colored World** (ぼくのばら色の世界, Boku no Bara-iro no Sekai) - **Cynthia** (シンシア) - **Sky-Blue Lily** (空色のリリィ, Sorairo no Lily) Placed 16th on Kono Manga Sugoi! in 2014.
Chihaya, Haruka, and their producers meet to celebrate Chihaya\'s 20th birthday over drinks.