A crime suspense story set in a forensic laboratory where specialists work to uncover clues from seemingly insignificant bits of trace evidence. The story begins when Sawaguchi Nonna, a rookie forensic researcher, meets Mano Reiji, the man who solved her parents\' murder case. [url=http://www.mncgramedia.id/comics/comic_detail/akasha-trace-recollections-of-a-forensic-researcher-01]Official Indonesian[/url] [url=https://www.fujitv.co.jp/trace_drama/index.html]TV Drama[/url]
Satoru Takeichi, also known as Ichigo, works at a sawmill. While working, he got into a mechanical problem and ended up having the first joint of his right little finger amputated. He and other employees searched for the cut off part, but couldn\'t find it. Ichigo goes straight to the hospital and receives treatment. However, when he returned to his apartment after being hospitalized for a few days, he found another version of him... From there, a strange shared life with another [Himself] begins...
This amusing and charming story happened in 9th century ,when the first and only female monarch of ancient China got the throne. We follow the daily life of Shen Shi, a kind young man went capital city Luoyang to look for his brother. To find him, he went to the Dali Court (a government institute like nowadays High Court of Justice). One thing led to another, he eventually became a secretary for Li Bing, a senior official with the appearance of a white cat. P.S It has already been adapted into animation
A beautiful and successful lady tries to reclaim her life after she gets caught in a twisted game of revenge by a wicked and cruel man.
Hart is a death row inmate with self-destructive tendencies who is drafted into a dangerous mining mission in a perilous forest. There, he encounters the highest-ranking leader, who turns out to be his first love from whom he had once parted ways. Hart tries to resist the strings of fate, but he gradually falls into a dangerous love relationship that defies his status.