The manga revolves around the Sakura household, which has since ancient times worked as sake brewers. One day the daughter of the household finds a katana in her family's warehouse and when she unsheathes it, the sword starts to shine. The title Sakura Juuyuushi is a play on words of Sanada Sakura Juuyuushi, a story of the group of 10 ninja who assisted the warlord Sanada Yukimura during the Warring States era of Japan. Source: ANN
Truck-kun's latest victim finds out what it's really like to have the Ultimate Cheat Skill. Shockingly, there are no slave harems.
After the nuclear war, Earth is currently being rebuilt. Jia Yi, a pretty boy from the slums, manages to obtain a ticket to the utopia known as “Elysium”. After a wild night, he wakes up and it turns out that he had been turned into a dog?! On top of that, beside him, a girl with a scar on her face tells him the harsh reality of the world he is in…
Adell is the lone human being in a world of humans-turned-demons, made by Overlord Zenon. It's Adell's task - and burden - to defeat Zenon and restore his friends and family to their normal selves. But summoning an Overlord is not easy. When Adell tries to call Zenon, he ends up with his daughter, Rozalin. Now, bound by contract, Adell promises to take Rozalin back to her father. However, it will take much more than blind courage to defeat her all-powerful father and save the world.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire. During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire?s ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR, an armored space station with enough power to destroy an entire planet. Pursued by the Empire?s sinister agents, Princess Leia races home aboard her starship, custodian of the stolen plans that can save her people and restore freedom to the galaxy. Original Korean Webcomic / English Version by LINE Webtoon
In a world in which, a long time ago, a mage was said to have been brought to destruction by a monster that ate it. Without parents, Kunimi and Chisayo are picked up by the owner of the region and are made to work. One day Chisayo receives a harsh punishment. Kunimi who thought that it won’t be a good idea if this continues, takes his sister and runs away. But then, they are swallowed by a large sudden crack in the ground ? Russian / Русский Древние предания этого мира гласят, что давным-давно все колдуны погибли, проглоченные жутким монстром. После смерти родителей Куними и Чисайо подобрал местный землевладелец. Работая на него, сироты жили тяжкой жизнью. Но когда однажды тот жестоко наказал Чисайо, Куними понял, что так продолжаться больше не может. Он забрал сестру и сбежал от хозяина. И в этот момент огромный разлом в земле поглотил их обоих...
Jealousy, fear, and love...where does it all lead? Let Satonaka Machiko take you on a journey into the true heart of women in this sometimes dark, sometimes comedic short story collection!
There is an ugly creature known as a Goblin, a race that exists only to be hunted by people. However, their lives are about to turn around with the birth of a single king. The story of a king who commands monsters to rise up against the gods. A tale of him and those monsters and humans that supported him. Original japanese web novel
From Yen Press: The Mad Tea Party…To members of the elite house of Kuonji, a clan whose name has incredible pull all over the world, this monthly gathering is the only tried and true (not to mention mandatory) family tradition. But one such family reunion brings with it some unexpected and horrific news for the nine Kuonji siblings, and it comes straight from the lips of their mother Olga. To become the next head of their illustrious family, the siblings must fight each other to the death! As chaos erupts, Stella, the fourth daughter, loses it, and suddenly a whole new Stella, complete with blonde hair and blue dress, comes out to play?!
After experiencing tragedy firsthand, Amagi Souji does not feel that he is deserving of love or of loving anyone. It is not until a strange girl appears before him wanting to learn just what love is that he finds himself caught up in a battle between female warriors known as "Ark Processors." Will he learn to feel love again and will he be able to teach her what true love is?! Only time can tell!
Three years ago, three beasts fell from the sky. King Qin of the Western Hill made a contract with one of them and swept through the six kingdoms to unify the Western Hill. Wu Jiu of the Southern Desert made a contract with the other and then he swept through the nineteen sects of the Southern Desert, reaching the peak. Sun Changming also made a contract with one of them, yet three years passed without any change. However, he will soon discover that the little toothed fish he caught three years ago is the greatest blessing of his life! Unstoppable!
Overlord Official Comic A La Carte is a spin-off anthology manga loosely based on the Overlord series.