Historical - Page 3

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

1341 results

North Snow Love Story

Read “North Snow Love Story Manga” – “North Snow Love Story Manhwa” Online Free On Manhwatop The Summary Of The Comics “North Snow Love Story”: A Snow Woman, Seolha, Who Hides Her Identity As A Yokai And Pretends To Be Human. She Ends Up Marrying The Great General Of The North, Who Ruthlessly Kills Yokai?! Will Seolha Be Able To Keep Her Yokai Identity Hidden And Live A Happy Married Life? “North Snow Love Story” Is Alternatively Named: 북설애담 The Comics “North Snow Love Story” Belongs To The Genre: “Harimanga, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Manhwaclan. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comics Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging

3 days ago

The Crown Prince’s Maid Makes Tea Very Well

Read Manhwa The Crown Prince’s Maid Makes Tea Very Well / 皇太子と侍女の美味しいティータイム / 황태자의 시녀가 차를 너무 잘 끓여

1 days ago

The Revenge Of Danzhu

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Even If Despair Consumes You

In A Life Drained Of Luck Through A Deceitful Pact With A Devil, ‘Dokyung’ Feels Despair With Her Miserable Existence. Enters Another Devil, ‘Hwamyung,’ Who Feeds On Despair, In This Fantasy Tale Of Redemption Through A Contract. Dokyung, Who Has Lived On The Brink Of Despair, Trapped In A Life Devoid Of Hope. At The Moment She Decides To End It All, The Devil Hwamyung Intervenes. “What Is This? My Life Should’ve Ended Here… Why Did You Save Me?” “Don’t Die. For The Sake Of My Pleasure.” Entangled In A Contract With The Devil Of Despair, Can Dokyung Recover Her Life That Has Been Thrown To The Ground? Even If Despair Consumes You, Even If Disillusionment Swallows You, 환멸이 그대를 삼킬지라도  


I Raised A Sick And Weak Prince

Manhua “I Raised A Sick And Weak Prince” Is A Widely Known Manga By Author “Jjwxc / Ming Gui Zai Jiu / Ye Yue Culture”, Artist “Ye Yue Culture” Is Published Online For Free On Manga Zin The Summary Of The Comics “I Raised A Sick And Weak Prince”: Ever Since She Was Young, Su Xi Led A Good Life Without Any Worries. Not Only Did She Have Excellent Grades, But She Was The Triple Threat Girl Everyone Liked. Ever Since He Was Young, Lu Huan Was Exiled And Led A Life Of Hardships. He Was Barely Surviving And Suffered From Humiliation Before He Became The Emperor. One Day, Su Xi Played A Game. She Never Thought The Little Boy In The Game Would Actually Be A Prince From Another Dimension. Meanwhile, Lu Huan Also Didn’t Know That His Long, Lonely Journey Would Involve A Female Bodhisattva Coming To Guide Him. “I Raised A Sick And Weak Prince” Is Alternatively Named: I Raised A Sickly Prince / 我养成了一个病弱皇子 / 我养成了一个病弱皇子[治愈] Group Scaning Manhua: Mangadex Mangabuddy Harimanga


The Words Of The Beloved Sun

Read “The Words Of The Beloved Sun Manga” – “The Words Of The Beloved Sun Manhwa” Online Free On Manhwatop The Summary Of The Comic The Words Of The Beloved Sun: One Shall Become A King, And The Other Shall Become A Sacrifice For The King. On The Day Crown Princes Tae Chan-Ryang And Tae Ho-Wol Were Born, A Prophecy Descended From The Heavens. Who Will Be The One To Survive? “The Words Of The Beloved Sun” Is Also Known As: 사랑하는 태양의 말로 The Comic “The Words Of The Beloved Sun” Belongs To The Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Manhwa, Romance “Harimanga, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Manhwaclan. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging

2 days ago

I Thought You Were A Time-Limited Husband

Read “I Thought You Were A Time-Limited Husband” Online At Best Manga Website Description About “I Thought You Were A Time-Limited Husband”: “Six Months. Be Sure To Kill Your Husband Within That Time Frame.” At The Order Of Her Mother-In-Law, She Became The Supporting Role Of A Wife Who Kills Her Husband. “Wow…… Handsome….” A Husband Too Handsome To Poison. Alice Couldn’t Bring Herself To Poison Him. She Managed To Avoid Her Mother-In-Law From Suspecting Her By Secretly Using Sacred Power Instead Of Poison. “Mother, I Will Be A Priest As The Former Wife Of The Duke! I Will Become A Priest And Pray For The Duke’s Well-Being For The Rest Of My Life!” But Why Did This Happen? On The Very Day She Tried To Leave The Duke, The Unconscious Duke, Her Husband, Woke Up. “You Were The One Who Pulled Me Out Of The Darkness, So Take Responsibility.” I Saved A Drowning Person, And He Had The Nerve To Give Me A Bundle. Associated Names: 시한부 남편인 줄 알았습니다만? The Place To Read “I Thought You Were A Time-Limited Husband”: Welcome To Mangazin, The Fantastic World For Manga Enthusiasts. Here, You’ll Find All The Manga You Need With The Highest Quality. What’s Even More Amazing Is That Reading Manga On Mangagg Is Entirely Free. Don’t Hesitate Any Longer And Start Reading “I Thought You Were A Time-Limited Husband” At Mangagg! Additionally, You Can Also Read Trending Manhwa, Trending Manhua, Trending Comics, And More For Free Here!


I Can Have Infinite Epiphanies

Read Manhua I Can Have Infinite Epiphanies Online For Free At Mangazin I Can Have Infinite Epiphanies Novel Also Known As “Wo Keyi Wuxian Dunwu / Wǒ Kěyǐ Wúxiàn Dùnwù / 嫉妬を力に変える最強への道 / 我可以无限顿悟”. This Ongoing Webtoon Was Released On 2022. The Story Was Written By 星灵动漫 And Illustrations By 星灵动漫. The Content Of The Comic I Can Have Infinite Epiphanies: What Should You Do If Transmigrated To A Fantasy World And Has Become A Son Called The ‘Human Race’s Great Traitor’! Don’t Worry, Looking At His Infinite Epiphany System, All Bai Mo Needs To Do Is To Make Others Jealous Of Him! No Matter What Kind Of Moves And Cheats, As Long As Someone Is Jealous Of Him, Bai Mo Can Start An Epiphany And Let Himself Practice Those To Perfection In An Instant! So Bai Mo Raised A Lot Of Big Villains Around Him, And Occasionally Molested Them. He Liked To Watch His Enemies Jealous And Resentful Of Him, But They Couldn’t Do That Themselves! The Comic I Can Have Infinite Epiphanies Belongs To The Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy Mangazin Is A Website That Aggregates The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Quickly To Serve Readers With High-Quality Images And Deliver Them An Excellent Experience. You Can Read Manhwa Recommendation Black Corporation: Joseon Dance Of The Phoenix I Can Use The Card Drawing System To Summon Beautiful Girls


The Tale Of The Tiger Girl

Read “The Tale Of The Tiger Girl Novel” – “The Tale Of The Tiger Girl Manga” Online Free At Hot Manga The Summary Of The Comics “The Tale Of The Tiger Girl”: In Joseon’s Capital Of Hanyang, Rumors Are Spreading Of An Evil King Cursing The Kingdom With Ghosts. First, There’s The Wailing Man Pulling An Empty Handcart. Then, A Strange Corpse Appears In A Well, Turning The Water To Blood. To Investigate, The Prince Calls His Outcast Brother, Spirit Seer Lord Muyoung, Who Comes Down From The Mountains With His Skittish Young Disciple Haerang. Can This Pair Unravel The Mystery, Or Will They Too Get Caught In The Web Of Royal Curses And Vengeful Ghosts? “The Tale Of The Tiger Girl” Is Alternatively Named: The Tale Of A Tiger / 호랑낭자 뎐 / 호랑낭자뎐 The Comics “The Tale Of The Tiger Girl” Belongs To The Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Manhwa, Mystery, Romance “Manhuaplus, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Kun Manga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comics Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging


The Young Marshal Is Jealous Every Day 2: Young Marshal Is The Concentrated Vinegar

A female forensic doctor who traveled to the Republic of China after her death, an ambitious military and police commander, a massacre that disturbed Shuncheng, and involved a 20-year-old extraordinary case. Let's see how the female forensic doctor copes with the open and secret struggles of the rich and powerful, and how to join forces with the handsome director to solve the strange cases, the husband and wife are invincible in the world! Shǎo Shuài Měitiān Dū Zài Chīcù 2: Shǎo Shuài Shì Cù Jīng The Young Marshal Is Jealous Every Day 2: Young Marshal Is the Concentrated Vinegar The Young Marshal Is Jealous Every Day 2: Young Master Is the Elite in Jealousy 少帅每天都在吃醋2:少帅是醋精
