This is a story from once upon a time - but not recently. In an abandoned village at the foot of Mount Mitsukado, there lived gods in human form. Monokai (specters) come to the village carrying goods to sell to the gods, and mysterious shadows lurk in the forest. This is a mysterious tale of everyday life that traces the lives and memories of the gods. Why do the gods take on human form and why do the specters appear one after another?
Read I Became A Childhood Friend Of A Mid Level Boss Novel – I Became A Childhood Friend Of A Mid Level Boss Manhwa Online Free At Kunmanga The Summary Of The Comic I Became A Childhood Friend Of A Mid Level Boss: Do Kyunwoo Is The Black Sheep Of His Renowned Swordsman Family. He Cannot Even Catch A Rabbit On His Own. On His First Day Of Fifth Grade, He Meets A Tranfer Student And Recalls His Past Life. He Had Reincarnated Into The World Of A Game He Used To Play Called [Brave Hearts]. He Was Already Frustrated That He Had Reincarnated As A Loser, But On Top Of That, The Transfer Student Is An Intermediate/Mid-Tier Boss Who Will Destroy The World! “Why Are You Being So Nice To Me?” “Because I Want To Be Friends With You.” Do Kyunwoo’s Plan Is To Become Friends With The Transfer Student In Order To Prevent The End Of The World! In Order To Survive In This New World And To Reach An Ending He Desires. He Becomes Childhood Friends With A Mid Level Boss. “I Became A Childhood Friend Of A Mid Level Boss” Is Also Known As: Became A Childhood Friend Of The Mid-Boss / I Became The Childhood Friend Of The Middle Boss / 중간 보스의 소꿉친구가 되었다 “Topmanhua, Mangaupdates, Likemanga…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Mangazin. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Manga Zin. You Can Read Top Manhua Two Weeks And Counting Deadlines Are Raining In The Status Window I Became The King By Scavenging
Xiao Qiu, who quietly guards humanity with his own strength, is misunderstood by everyone. Having experienced a depressed life and being reborn, he embarked on the path of becoming a bloodless and tearless monster. “Saving mankind, what does it have to do with humanity” I Must Be a Monster Wǒ Bìxū Chéngwéi Guàiwù 我必须成为怪物
\"I can\'t do this!\" Yoke Feldio, A Red Mage, has left his A-rank party of five years to become an adventurer, and has finally run out of patience with his life as an adventurer. being ridiculed as a \"Handyman\" and \"poor dexterity\"! And so begins a desperate life of joblessness.... HOWEVER! Soon after Yoke is welcomed into a party of former students, all of whom are girls! And as he conquers dungeons, Yoke\'s abilities are revealed one after another. In fact, the magic and skills that he wields have a power that is beyond the norm--?
The high school student male protagonist Yin Yongtian is a patient with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder. He was almost beaten to death because of the onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder and disrupted the confession of the school bully. The male protagonist Yin Yongtian is not interested in training and upgrading, but he is forced to become stronger because of the constant reminders of [unfinished red dot tasks] [almost full skill proficiency] [extremely irregular hexagonal panel]! Relying on a hundred times more basic skills than ordinary people, he and his friends are generous in the dungeon world - forced to embark on the road of kings.
(This manga is unusual amongst Kanako Inuki\'s manga due to the highly exaggerated gore (and emphasis on it) compared to her usual manga) A gruesome picture book-like manga. The cover was originally considered to be so gorey it was censored with a special dust jacket.
Alex, a devoted metalhead, finds himself in deep sorrow at his band’s breakup concert. Amidst the sadness, he experiences an electrical accident due to equipment trouble... When he wakes up, he discovers he has been transported to another world! In this new world, Alex encounters situations that are a metalhead’s dream, featuring werewolves and dragons, which excite him immensely. Determined to lead this otherworld to peace with his metal spirit, Alex sets out on an adventurous journey!
As two worlds collide into one, a fateful counter between the \"killer hero\" and the \"elf princess from another world\" has led to a great adventure to defeat the even greater evil!
A young girl with a pair of bone braids who was regarded as an evil thing, accidentally got hit on her head by a dragon egg. Turns out there is a little dragon baby. They travel together to find their own home with two adorable creatures. 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Amona, a dark summoner and demi-human who uses demonic powers, is the newest addition to the party of the uptight priest Roni. Everyone expected the two to dislike each other and to have nothing to do with each other. But to their surprise, on their first day together as an adventuring party, they had a one-night stand...!
“Your Highness! The Papers Have Piled Up Like This……!” I Reincarnated As Irene Weber, The Younger Sister Of An Aide Who Is Suffering From Overtime Because Of The Prince Who Is In Love And Neglects His Work. Irene, Who Was Buried In Work Before The Reincarnation And Died Of Overwork, Intends To Protect Her Beloved Brother From Such A Terrible Thing. No Overtime! No Call After Work! Evil Boss, Go Away! Work Less And Earn More, Brother! To The End, Irene Tries To Separate The Prince From Her Brother. A Method To Win By Knowing Your Enemy And Knowing Yourself. Irene Scraps A Little Record Without Leaving Any Details, Of The Prince Whose Face She Doesn’t Even Know About, For The Future. Somehow, Her Brother’s Face, Looking At Such Irene, Is Dark…… “Brother, If You’re Meeting The Crown Prince Today, I’ll Go With…..” “Absolutely Not.” ‘Do You Want To Meet Him Alone So Much?’ *** “Before That, Benjamin Weber, When Can I Meet Your Sister?” “Not For The Rest Of Your Life.” The Most Affectionate Brother And Sister Of The Continent. Will The Day Come When These Two Siblings Can Resolve Their Growing Misunderstanding?
“Your Highness! The papers have piled up like this……!” I reincarnated as Irene Weber, the younger sister of an aide who is suffering from overtime because of the prince who is in love and neglects his work. Irene, who was buried in work before the reincarnation and died of overwork, intends to protect her beloved brother from such a terrible thing. No overtime! No call after work! Evil boss, go away! Work less and earn more, brother! To the end, Irene tries to separate the prince from her brother. A method to win by knowing your enemy and knowing yourself. Irene scraps a little record without leaving any details, of the Prince whose face she doesn’t even know about, for the future. Somehow, her brother’s face, looking at such Irene, is dark…… “Brother, if you’re meeting the Crown Prince today, I’ll go with…..” “Absolutely not.” ‘Do you want to meet him alone so much?’ *** “Before that, Benjamin Weber, when can I meet your sister?” “Not for the rest of your life.” The most affectionate brother and sister of the continent. Will the day come when these two siblings can resolve their growing misunderstanding?