The story revolves around three teenagers: Nomiya Tomomi, a high school dropout, Togawa Kiyoharu, an ex-sprinter who now plays wheelchair basketball and Takahashi Hisanobu, a popular leader of the high school's basketball team who now finds himself a paraplegic after an accident. Real features a cast of characters who find themselves being marginalized by society, but are all united by one common feature: a desire to play basketball, with no place to play it in. Nomiya, being a high school dropout, has no future in his life. Togawa, being a difficult personality, finds himself constantly feuding with his own teammates. Takahashi, once a popular team leader, now finds himself being unable to move from the chest down. Real also deals with the reality of physical disabilities, and the psychological inferiority that the characters struggle against. The characters break through their own psychological barriers bit by bit.
A boy's older brother gives him a potion that turns him into a flat-chested school girl.
Read Manhwa Nine Dragons: Copóka / Kowloon: Copoka / Kowloon: Saroka Jin-Tae Becomes A Killer After Being Saved By A Man When He Was At Life’s Lowest Point. While Searching For His Long-Lost Sibling, He Discovers That His Younger Sibling Is In Hong Kong And Deeply Involved With The Triad, Hong Kong’s Largest Criminal Organization. Thus Begins Jin-Tae’s Journey As He Confronts The Triad In The Nighttime Streets Of Hong Kong While Searching For His Sibling. “Nine Dragons: Copóka Manhwa” Is Alternative: 구룡:사로카
Meet the Skeleton Soldier, a meager but fiercely loyal fighter who serves to protect its master, Lady Succubus. Its dream of a peaceful life with her is shattered when they're both brutally murdered by a group of warriors one day. But what would've been a pathetic end to an unremarkable soul sparks a new beginning: when the Skeleton Soldier opens its eyes again, it has traveled back 20 years in time! “I must warn Lady Succubus of all the things to come!” But with no special combat skills and a history of failure and defeat, how can it stop the horrible events from unfolding again? Follow the Skeleton Soldier as it faces the most challenging quest of all—rewriting the ending to its own story.
Yuuki, a transfer student, is Aida's neighbor, both at home and in the classroom. Aida tries to get friendly with Yuuki, but their conversations lead nowhere. On the other hand, when it comes to their situation as neighbors, Yuuki...
A heart-pounding reemployment(!?) story between a fed-up corporate slave and a cold, callous, villainess! Three years after graduating college, Natori Midori, who once idealized the “grown-up adults“ she saw as a child, is working hard at her job as a temporary employee. However, one day, her contract is suddenly terminated for an absurd reason. As she sits there, wondering if there would ever be a workplace for her to devote herself to, her phone flashes and she finds herself in the world of the novel RPG she was playing. And before her eyes is the villainess, Lapis Tenebrae, who betrayed the heroine and committed countless atrocities before losing her life!
Abandoning money, fame and honor, the knight Bard embarks on a journey to find his final resting place. Tasting delicious food, admiring the unfamiliar scenery all by himself, his journey to find a place to die quietly begins. What he doesn't know however, is that this is the beginning of a new adventure for him.
Because he did not pass his college entrance exam, Kagami Kyosuke cannot stay close to Kojo Hikari, the love of his life. So instead he gets a part-time job near her university and buys an old camera since Hikari is passionate for photography. But as it turns out, that camera also has a secret which will get him involved in all sorts of "exciting" and "awkward" situations especially with Botan Oshikiri, his senpai and co-worker. How will Kyosuke's life play out now?
In his second to last year of high school, the dispassionate but studious, Yataro Yaguchi finally finds a calling in art. With no prior art experience, he decides to work towards to applying to an art university. A decision with potentially disastrous results.
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Naofumi Iwatani, an uncharismatic Otaku who spends his days on games and manga, suddenly finds himself summoned to a parallel universe where he is one of four legendary heroes tasked with saving the world from its prophesied destruction. But all is not as it seems as Naofumi is quickly betrayed and framed for a crime he did not commit. With an entire kingdom against him and nowhere to run, Naofumi must rise to become the legendary Shield Hero and save the world!