Set in U.C. 0084, before Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, the story follows the Titans Test Team, Black Otter Team, on their mission to test new mobile suits for the Titans. It begins with Eliard Hunter, an Earth Federation mobile suit pilot being assigned to the Titans and transferring to the Aswan, an Alexandria class carrier. There he meets Carl Matsubara, another new Titans recruit, Audrey April a skilled pilot and chief of test operations and data gathering, and Wes Murphy, a veteran of the One Year War and the Delaz Conflict. The Black Otter team doesn’t just carry out test runs, it also participates in real combat missions against Zeon Remnants and later, against AEUG. Manga adaptation of the photonovel of the same name.
Our protagonist, Inoue Konoha is still being led around by his senpai, the Literature Club's President, self-acclaimed "Literature Girl" who loves stories so much that she can eat them, Amano Touko. One day, someone put in the Literature Club's "Love Consultation Post Box" a bunch of paper scraps that have the words like "Hate", "Ghost is" and a bunch of puzzling numbers on them. Calling the act as "picking a fight with the Literature Club", Touko once again got Konoha involved in her investigation; but when they found the culprit, this girl turned toward them, smile, then said "I'm already dead." The 2nd arc of the popular bitter & sweet school mystery series.
The story starts with the death of Hikaru Mikado. That guy was a natural charmer, a “harem king”, but had no real male friends. After he died, he became a ghost, a soul, but Koremitsu Akagi can see him. Koremitsu though, isn’t really like Hikaru. His red hair and his evil-looking eyes make him look as a delinquent, even though he is very kind inside. Hikaru asks him a favour: he wants to fulfill a promise, which he couldn't fulfill anymore. The promise was to give his girlfriend and fiancée, Aoi Saotome, 7 gifts for her seventeenth birthday. Koremitsu accepts, and has to work hard to help fulfill Hikaru’s promise with Aoi.
Bakuya, a second-year high school student suffering from insomnia, however, one night, he meets Kimidori, a first-year girl who enjoys eating cup noodles yakisoba. Kimidori claims she can help Bakuya sleep; nevertheless, she enjoys playing pranks on him whenever she gets the chance.
In this world, when you turn twelve, God gives you a special weapon called a sacred weapon. Rust, a boy living in a remote village, dreams of becoming an adventurer with his childhood friend Ruby. Ruby receives the highest rank, A, but Rust receives a battered, F-ranked rusty sword. Unlike his childhood friend who was recruited by a top-ranked party, Rust was told that his dream of becoming an adventurer would never come true, but he didn’t give up and decided to fight with his rusty sword. He defeats weak monster little by little and steadily strengthens his rusty sword. Eventually, after three years, the【Rusty Sword】 finally reached weapon level 10. At that time, a skill awakened in the rusty sword, and it evolved into an overpowered magical sword. This is an adventure story of a boy who was always told he was the weakest
From Infinity Studios: Having been born in a secret government laboratory that cultivated esper (telepathic) powers within humans, Shuuichi and two sisters, Sumire and Katsumi, are forced to endure a difficult life as test subjects until their escape. Years later, these siblings are still being sought after by unknown organizations that are after Shuuichi powers as he is what they refer to as the “zero-sample” with the ability to cause “zero-shock.” Scanlated by Helz0ne
The world which was ruled by those called the descendents of god and had unique abilities: Heuk's (Black) clan and Sahwa's clans. One day, Heuk's clan was destroyed by one of the average human clans, the Parang (Blue) clan. The Sahwa clan sends their heir, Gayeon, as bride to the Parang clan's heir as a sign of obedience. But the one who's actually sent is the the heir's twin brother, Jayeon. Now, Jayeon lives amongst the Parang clan....
One Step to the Devil, Mawangkkaji Han Geol-eum, This is No different from Villager A There can't be a stronger being in this world!" To become the strongest, Yuria, the sea king (or queen), came down in search of the strongest demon king. BUT looking at the mirror, a face of a kid? In exchange for legs she have lost all her powers even then, still aiming to become the strongest, the painful journey of Yuria begins!
Collaboration between YouTube channel We are the Main Characters of ◯◯! and Mairimashita! Iruma-kun.
The immortal masterpiece "Ultraman" by Daiji Ichimine, a legend in the world of hero comics, is back in a perfect version!! Using plenty of original drawings and magazines newly discovered through research, it has been revised from the previous books. The cover art, which was never published, is also included in its entirety for the first time. Furthermore, the first volume includes a complete color reproduction of the "Monster Neronga Volume" that was not included in the SUNDAY COMICS version, as well as the original prequel to this work, "The Birth of Ultraman Volume", which is included for the first time in a book. This is truly the “final definitive edition”, delivered with the highest specifications ever, which has never been realized even though it has been published many times!! Volumes 1 and 2 will be released simultaneously!! (C) Tsuburaya Productions
Delinquency has become a major problem among the youth, especially the high school population. Taking the matter into their own hands, the government has created a special school just for these troubled youths. Kang Hae Hyo, a seemingly normal high school student who is bullied frequently, somehow ends up in the school! He's not sure he belongs there, but something about him, and his past, may be discovered at this school…