Continuation of the succesful manga and anime series Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger starts after the defeat of Mazinger Z. Tetsuya Tsurugi is the new protagonist, piloting the powerful Great Mazinger, a creation of the once thought dead Kenzo Kabuto, the father of Koji Kabuto. This time the enemy is the Mycene Empire and its powerful robots. While not as succesful in Japan as the original series, Great Mazinger has a great following in Europe, specially in Italy.
A new manga by the creator of Mirai Nikki and Hanako to Guuwa no Tera. The main character Hoshimiya Eiji is an introverted high school boy that secretly wishes for the destruction of the world.
It has been 300 years since mysterious blue mists started flowing out of the earth. All living things have become immortal and injuries heal instantaneously and sickness doesn’t exist. The aging process has stopped and creatures have stayed the same age since they were exposed to the mist.Paze Diamond is a state chimney worker that maintains the piping system that regulates the flow of the blue mist. He is known in the town as a clumsy and unlucky person. Paze is in search of happiness although he doesn’t know what that really means. About the same time he starts seeing blue birds that only he seems to be able to see, Margaret Howell literally falls out of the sky on him. The beautiful and happy Margaret immediately takes interest in Paze. Could this be the happiness Paze has been searching for?
Tales of Berseria Comic Anthology..
Ko likes girls. Including his childhood friend from next door Mana, who treats him like a brother. She's popular with the boys because of her physical development... or not! The beginning of a sanctuary of fetishism as Ko conquers the uniformed girl!
Transfer student, Aoba Shunsuke, arrived at Sunshine School only to find the premises empty. He was secretly gleeful to be the first to reach the school, oblivious to the fact that it was Foundation Day and a rest day for the institution. At that moment, a big-sized "L"(Eru) beauty by the name of Natsumi appeared before him and the two of them hit off together even though Shunsuke was so much smaller than her. Shunsuke's mother runs a women's apparel busines but the shop is in need of manpower. Shunsuke offers to help out at the shop but fumbles a lot because he does not know how to interact with the ladies. Eru decides to step in and help out around the shop and this pleases Shunsuke's mother. This is a romance story that shares the joys and woes of the "SL" combi between Shunsuke and Eru. The Kabocha Wine won the 1983 Kodansha Manga award for shounen.
David is a "typical Japanese high school student" who looks exactly like Michelangelo's David statue.
The story centers on sisters who discover a mysterious egg.
A world in which zombies prevail. Nat, a boy who's called a "Professor" travels with a mysterious girl. His goal, and Maggie's identity are...?! This is the start of a love comedy that's a little dark and exceptionally cute!
Shinozaki Himeno has no intention of dating anyone before she's ready to consider marriage; as such, the last year of high school is too early to her. However, she is confessed to by Maruyama, a weirdo who asked her out solely because a friend told him he should try out love. Moreover, he asked to date her for only one month. Since he'll ask someone else if she rejects, Himeno begrudgingly accepts, beginning an unusual relationship.
In order to help out a friend, a strong and beautiful boy dresses up as a girl to join a group of potential brides for a rich, infamous man.
Eccentric young man "Santarou" is constantly in search of love, most of the time, from the often calm and collected "Chiyoko". Hijinks ensue as in every chapter he devises a new scheme or gimmick to gain the affection of Chiyoko or other girls. However, with the help of his opportunistic little sister "Nanako", things often get out of hand. There is little continuity within each chapter, instead opting for interesting episodic stories.