Ran is a bright and energetic first-grader in junior high school who possesses supernatual abilities. Together with Midori (her friend who also has supernatural powers) and Rui, the threesome are constantly embroiled in mysterious circumstances. Ran is troubled by her powers because it seems to spark off the ill intentions of people in contact with her. However, with the support of her family and peers, Ran learns to deal with her 'other' side and accepts who she is. The threesome also learn how to team up as a whole and solve these mysterious events. (from Animenewsnetwork)
After being in an accident a high-school girl ends up with strange visions of horror, deaths and murderer. She is not sure whenever these are nightmares or premonitions so she decide to find out what is the true meaning of the visions.
Wataru and Makoto are friends from their early childhood. They are recognized as the gay couple in the school, and while Makoto appears to be ok with it, Wataru is greatly troubled by it and Makoto's attitude. Since Wataru will not permit anything more than a kiss, the anxious Makoto visits his prep school teacher and tries to consult him about his problem. However, he's not aware of the danger that awaits him!
Coming to earth to live the high-school life he's always dreamt of, Hirito finds himself in a bathroom on top of a naked girl! It turns out she goes to the world renowned Konoeghara Academy. Hirito is shocked to find the school only consists of seven students in total! Why in the world does the one of the most prestigious academies in the nation only consist of seven pupils...? - Kiss Scans
Masato Kataoka moves into his new dorm to begin his life in high school when one day, a cute girl named Yuki Nomura becomes his roomate. Masato learns that Yuki is an old childhood friend, but becomes surprised when he realizes that Yuki was, and still is a guy. Yuki's charm and affection for cross-dressing leaves Masato with feelings of discomfort and fright. Find out how Masato manages to deal with a cute cross-dresser and the many obstacles of high school life. Résumé by: Krasae
The Socialist Republic of Coldona. A socialist nation that broke all diplomatic relations with other countries, asserting its tough stance. But the tough leader of the nation suddenly died. Following its hereditary succession system, a new leader was born in the nation of Coldona... a 9-year-old girl, Myao Chobirov! Can the world's most carefree leader of a nation lead the world into a new age of peace? The slapstick political drama of the dictator girl!!!!
Koha-Ace stars Kohaku and features characters from various TYPE-MOON series. It is drawn in a super deformed style, and it is a self-aware series that constantly breaks the fourth wall.
The comic adaption of the super popular novel from syosetu ni narou. Hizutome Rakurou loves shitty games. His next challenge is Shangri-la Frontier, the god-tier game with a total playerbase of 30,000,000. Gathering comrades (scum) in an expansive world and meeting with old enemies along the way, he will change the fate of every player.
Io Sado, a member of the occult research club, is curious about his classmate "Attendance number 0", who is noticed by no one.When she invites her classmate to join the occult research club as usual...An encounter between two people that shakes the world.A coming-of-age occult battle begins.
The assassin with a scary mug has arrived in the town where the (air-headed) policewoman with a strong sense of justice lives! Although his target is a businessman, his constant flirting with the policewoman is causing him great trouble! The assassin constantly tries to stop the businessman who is in love with the policewoman…and if you look closely, there's a possible love triangle!? Will the day the assassin can complete his job come!? Keep an eye on this fantastic love comedy.