In a bustling slum during the Mid-Ming Dynasty, an ambitious locksmith named Xiao is approached by a group of thieves with a mysterious, ornate safe. What starts as a routine job soon leads Xiao on a dangerous journey tied to an ancient secret hidden within the powerful Yuan family. When he discovers a noble girl trapped inside the safe—and a promise of unimaginable riches—Xiao must navigate deceit, family legacies, and his own morality to uncover the true meaning of wealth and sacrifice. A gripping one-shot blending action, drama, and heartfelt bonds, this story will leave readers pondering the value of freedom, love, and the treasures that can’t be bought.
Not long after breaking up with her ex, \'Honey\' is currently experiencing a brand new love with \'Ikkyu\', the genius class rep with overflowing beauty and brain to match. But with massive difference in their social status, trying to get closer to Ikkyu would be like trying to solving a near impossible equation. Can the birdbrain Honey untangle this formula?
A girl who dreams one day, a woman who loves one day. Now I\'m a wife and mother of two. My dreams were crushed by reality, and the memories of love were too short to comfort her. Her ordinary life, or her...\"The Great\"
Inexperienced Skill turns into unlimited power with divine knowledge (Internet)!! \'To manifest an SSS rank with the weakest skill is a disgrace!\' - Rona, a girl who was expelled from her home due to her lack of money, food, and power. Lost and hopeless, she suddenly hears, \'...Would you like some guidance?\' She discovers how to utilize her unique SSS rank skill: [Internet], which she alone possesses. The true nature of this skill is the ability to access this world\'s \'guide Sites\' - an extraordinary cheat skill! Endless production of valuable items! Acquiring ultra-rare equipment! Thanks to her skill, she can do as she pleases...! A delightful and thrilling fantasy in another world begins! Summary by SilasMeanQuite
An unknown skill turns into unlimited power with divine knowledge [Internet]! \"To manifest an SSS rank with the weakest skill is a disgrace!\" Rona is a girl who was expelled from her home due to her lack of money, food, and power. Lost and hopeless, she suddenly hears the words... \"Would you like some guidance?\" She discovers how to utilize her unique SSS rank skill: [Internet], which she alone possesses. The true nature of this skill is the ability to access this world\'s \'guide sites\' - an extraordinary cheat skill! Endless production of valuable items! Acquiring ultra-rare equipment! Thanks to her skill, she can do as she pleases...!
A high school student, Haro Ogawa, is a self-taught oil painter who is trying to paint the ultimate nude. After an encounter with a \"witch,\" he sets his sights on applying to art school...? The mystery that resides in the human body, the ultimate \"beauty\" is painted on canvas! A skin-colored coming-of-age drama!
The newly reincarnated Sheriel learns she has become the mother of Karthizel Roperam, the male lead of a dark romance fantasy novel. All the neglect Karthizel faces as a child leads him to become a crazy and obsessive man who’s willing to kill anyone to get what he wants, even his own mother! Then the only way for Sheriel to keep herself alive in this timeline is to have him be raised right under loving parents, which means she’ll also need to make amends with her cold, estranged husband. Will Sheriel be able to save herself and this broken family?
Unexpectedly, he crossed paths with his old high school friend, Yachiyo, during his grandmother\'s funeral. It had been two long years since they last saw each other, right after Yachiyo\'s wedding. Their friendship had become distant due to a past incident in high school. \"At that moment, I failed to comprehend the significance of it all, and by the time I did, it was already too late—a haunting memory. The emotions that I believed I had let go of resurfaced, engulfing me as we crossed paths once more...\"