Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

57 results

999 Kiss Of The Male God

<h6>Accidentally encountered a special man, in one night from the drawing transformed into an entity !?</h6> <h6>  It is true that the heavenly man gave a perfect boyfriend!</h6> <h6>But he needs to rely on the kiss to maintain his life ....,</h6> <h6>  Will she defy everything to protect that man?</h6> <h6>who is he?</h6> <h6>What will happen?</h6> <h6>Let's see the latest chapters at zinmanga.com.</h6> <h6>Thank you for your support!</h6> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

1 days ago

A Love Contract With The Devil

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Across The Dangerous Ocean

Yuer Le saved a mystery man from the deep sea, but she would never have thought that she would be dragged into a whirlpool of conspiracy… Best friend who went missing, dangerous investigator job, well-planned schemes, the bossy yet affectionate heir of the financial group, the quiet and gentle bodyguard, the proud gang childe, the mystery detective… It’s a story about trust and betrayal, conspiracy and truth, growth and love.


As Long As You Like It

Dian Is A Maid Working For The Marquis Of Lowell. To Help Her Lady Escape From An Unwanted Marriage, Dian Sends Her Out The Country And Assumes Her Identity, Going To The Castle Of Margrave Evenhart In Her Stead. The Evenhart Family, Famous For Guarding The North For Generations, But Never Leaving Their Territory, Is A Subject Of Great Mystery To The Outside World. Will Dian’s Identity Be Discovered? What Romantic Story Will Unfold In These Days Of Cohabitation?


Ba Qing Eshao Diao Jiao

<h1>Ba Qing Eshao Diao Jiao</h1> "Don't touch our mom!" Two children, a boy and a girl, block the demon boss outside. The woman he has his eyes on was not only claimed by someone else first, but also has two kids! "Heart robber, get out here!" Facing the crazy roars of the king is the very pure and innocent yet sexy mother...X years ago, she was violated against her will, is that her fault? C'mon you perverted and possessive madman, she's a victim too! Huh? Why does this boy look like my own son? Could it be... "I spent a night with a stranger by mistake on the hotel side. He mistook him for a boyfriend under the influence of alcohol, but he was a stranger. I tried to clean forget about the day and start over with my boyfriend ... but now after some time, I broke up with my boyfriend and had a beautiful twin mother. After a challenge, I was chosen to be the secretary of a large company chairman! However, Chairman Lee is quite familiar! " When we think of romance, we think about love, sweet moments, heartbreaks, intimate relationships, and more. The same feelings are present in romance manga! Most of the time, this genre caters to shoujo manga fans. However, the target audience is much broader than you might expect! Everyone experiences love. No one is an exception! Stories that appeal to the heart and the feelings are ones everyone can relate to. The romance genre is perfect for readers who crave heart-tugging, heart-fluttering, and heart-wrenching moments. This is a good story, you should not ignore it. We will try to maintain it. Therefore, we hope that you will always support us. thank you. Manman has waited patiently for 3 years for his childhood friend Nuo An to come home. But after a grave mistake at a hotel, Manman's engagement is called off when she and the rest of the family are shocked to find out she's pregnant. Years later, Manman is a single mother of twins. Wih the help of her mom, she works hard juggling between three jobs and caring for her children. One day while having playtime at a nearby park, a man recognizes Manman while inside his car. Could this be a reunion Manman had been waiting for the past seven years? &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;


Beauty And The Beasts

Read Beauty And The Beasts Novel – Beauty And The Beasts Manhua Online Free At Zinmanga.net The Summary Of The Comic Beauty And The Beasts: As Soon As She Fell Into The World Of Beastmen, A Leopard Forcibly Took Her Back To His Home. Indeed, Bai Jingjing Is At A Complete And Utter Loss. The Males In This World Are All Handsome Beyond Compare, While The Women Are All So Horrid That Even The Gods Shudder At Their Sight. As A First-Rate Girl From The Modern World (She’s Even A Quarter Russian) Bai Jingjing Finds Herself Sitting At The Center Of A Harem Filled With Beautiful Men — At The Very Peak Of Existence. “Beauty And The Beasts” Is Also Known As: Carefree Beast Life: Giving Birth To All Species / Go Wild: Kemonohito No Koi Wa Yasei-Teki / Go♡Wild: Kemonohito No Koi Wa Yasei-Teki / Go♡Wild: The Love Of The Beast Is Wild / Go♡Wild~獣人の恋は野性的~ / Youzai Shou Shi: Zhong Zhong Tian, Sheng Sheng Zai / Красавица И Звери / 悠哉兽世:种种田,生生崽精品 / 나만 보면 살랑살랑 The Comic Beauty And The Beasts Belongs To The Genre: Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Manhua, Romance, Shoujo, Smut, Supernatural, Webtoons “Top Manhwa, Mangaupdates, Read Manhwa Online…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Zinmanga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging

2 days ago

Bu Jia Zongcai Jia Nan Pu

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CEO Above, Me Below

<h4 class="style-scope ytd-playlist-sidebar-primary-info-renderer"><a class="yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" spellcheck="false" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN0HxHAxcBo&amp;list=PLsocagTLQOcvpJG-Bcw85gYwFCApffjZd">Zongcai zai shang with other name Bossy President and</a></h4> <h1 class="_13gHt">CEO Above, Me Below</h1> <h4 id="title" class="style-scope ytd-playlist-sidebar-primary-info-renderer"></h4> &nbsp; <div class="pure-1 md-3-5"> <div> An imaginary child ties together a British born Eurasian with a beautiful cartoonist.. She had no right to rebel... Do you want to steal my genes then leave?? He grabbed her and tried to force her to hand over the child that was born three years ago. She never had a baby? Then conceive one! The delusional CEO's desperate love. Her inability to resist as she fell deeper.. </div> </div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;


CEO’s Sudden Proposal

<pre>Flash marriage deep love with other name is Ceo's sudden proposal</pre> If you want to be my woman, you must meet 3 conditions: Likes to be pampered, like to be loved, like to be cared for. My woman must meet all 3 conditions above and have to know and think! The story is adapted from a novel. Hope everyone will support, "To be my wife, three conditons that you must have." "What?" "Like my sweet words, like be taken care of and like to be spoiled." &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;


Cheating Men Must Die

Cheating Men Must Die One Moment Oppressing Scum Yields A Moment Of Satisfaction. Continuously Oppressing Scum Yields Continuous Satisfaction. Our Female Main Lead, Su Lüxia Is Bound To The Female Lead Counterattack System And Transmigrates To Several Small Worlds. Using Elaborate Means, She Beats Up Countless Cheating Bastards And Bitches. Su Lüxia: “Only A Cheating Bastard’s Tears Of Remorse, And The Pained Moans Of A Bitch Unable To Get What She Wants Bring Me Solace.” System: “Has My Host Tapped Into Her Humanity Today? Nope.”

1 days ago